Reviews for Operation: Horizon Guard
MontyMarten chapter 7 . 1/13
Well, I am seriously late to finishing and reviewing this story, but I'm catching up on some fanfic reading today and I figured it was better late than never, right? I'm really sorry about being so late on this, btw, but it was a fun read and I'm kinda sad it's over!

That last battle was intense and boy was that a lot of fun! As expected, Strider emerged victorious, having fought in style, and Erusea and the LRSSG are free from yet another madman. Flying up through a hurricane, huh? Well, it isn't the kind of tunnel we're all used to but it still did the trick, and it was a fitting end to the battle. Nice!

As for that last chapter, Captain Osea and The Journal...interesting lineup they've got there. Not sure if I'd be as willing to sit through a romance drama as Count and Tabloid were, but if it was Captain Osea then maybe it'd be worth it lol! Shame that poor Trigger missed the start of the movie night, but how could he pass up a date with the F-22? My OTP lives on! Glad that Rosa doesn't seem to mind sharing him lol
And speaking of Rosa, it's nice to see that things worked out for Farbanti and for our favorite princess. Or, should I say our favorite soon-to-be queen, now? Either way, I'm glad that she and Tom got some time to spend together and I have to agree with Trigger - it's looking like the future is indeed bright and clear once again!

All in all, aside from the fact that JPEG Doggo/Prince didn't get a(nother?) vacation to Tyler Island (this calls for solitary), this was a fantastic short story and I hope that you might come back to Ace Combat again. No pressure, of course!
Once again, I'm very sorry that it took so long to get this review out there. And, as usual, you did an amazing job on this story! See you in the skies, buddy! :)
TheSilenceIsVast chapter 7 . 10/26/2019
lixiaofossil chapter 7 . 10/15/2019
Tigger: "...bright, sunny, and lots of clear blue skies, until another bunch of idiots of Erusea or Belka or both to start a war again, and by that time I'll purge them like an antivirus like I always do."
lixiaofossil chapter 5 . 10/15/2019
Villains die by speaking too much. Less talking, more destroying.

On a side note, that Torres guy must is suffering brain damage after got stuck on seabed for so long.
MontyMarten chapter 5 . 10/11/2019
Alright, finally got a chance to read a bit more so here's review number two! I'll get on the others soon.

This chapter was all action, and it wasn't disappointing either! I loved the high-stakes dogfight between Cobra and Strider Squadron. I'll admit, I was hoping Volpe might last a little longer and maybe cause some extra trouble while they try and carry out the attack, but regardless the way he went out was pretty satisfying. The agility and confidence that Volpe had didn't make up for the experience and skill that Trigger had, and Volpe's cockiness was — much like Champ — his downfall.
Nice to see that Trigger continues to take up Mihaly's mantle now that the latter is dead, though. The new King of the Skies reigns supreme! RIP Cobra Squadron (they tried).

So, the original trio is back together and they're the ones heading into the storm, eh? Looking forward to seeing how this plays out. It was great to see them back together, and I'll bet it's gonna be great to see them wrecking the ERA's new toy together again too.
Also, nice little reference to Torres. Bouchere does seem a little like that guy, if only a bit more grounded and less obsessed with bed sheets. Looking forward to seeing Strider Squadron step all over some more crisp white sheets!

Great job on this chapter as always, and I look forward to reading the rest!
MontyMarten chapter 4 . 10/8/2019
Apologies for being so late on this review! I'm going to be catching up with reviews to the story, so you're gonna have more incoming. I also apologize for that, lol.

So, right out of the gate, I definitely enjoyed the scene with Schroeder and the rest of the LRSSG.
As always, you've managed to keep the good doctor in character with how calm and clinical he is all the time. The fact that he kept his cool even while surrounded by Oseans is very believable for him (since he has done it before). Avril's harshness with him was also something I expected. I can't imagine that they'd be too pleased to be working with him again, even if he has helped before. But I am happy that he was able to offer some insight to the squadron and that he played a minor role.

As for the Rosa scene, I have to say that our favorite princess is shaping up to be a very good leader indeed. A very strong one, too, if that conversation was any indicator. I'm also going to say that your characterization of her and the development you give her is probably the only reason I ever gave her a second thought. Seriously. I love your version of Rosa.
Moving on, though, her trust in Trigger is heartwarming, and her stubbornness in remaining until the city is evacuated is also very admirable. Not gonna lie, I was wondering if these dates were going to be mentioned and Rosa declaring that Farbanti had survived two attacks and that a hurricane is kind of small compared to that. Farbanti is the indestructible city, I'm convinced. Seriously. Ulysses, ISAF, the LRSSG and their allies? They've survived a lot. And I like that Rosa not only trusts Trigger to make things right, but also knows that her country is a pretty resilient one.

Onto the last scene, seeing Avril concerned while still being in character hit me in the feels for some reason. Hats off to you for that one.
She really does care about Trigger and the others, even if they're all out of their minds. I feel bad for her, being the only really sane one lol. She even lost Rosa in that department, but I think that the princess was influenced a bit by our favorite daredevil. I can't say I blame her, though.
Avril's little teasing of Trigger with the fact that he and Rosa were made for each other was also really sweet.
And last but not least, I loved the subtle reference to Sir Count. Count's not gonna give up on the noble title thing until he actually gets it, huh? Well, gotta give the guy credit for trying.

Excellent chapter and great work as always, and I'll be reviewing the others soon!
MWSeraph chapter 7 . 10/5/2019
Sorry for the late review, but thanks for the you continue or decide to end the series here, it's a blast reading your stuff.
RaptorZeroOne chapter 7 . 10/4/2019
Blue Skies, now that gives me a bit more nostalgia. That was the song that played during the end credits of Ace Combat 04: Shattered skies (Distant Thunder in other places like Europe. The one time the European name is just as good as the American name)
cammando205 chapter 7 . 10/3/2019
Good chapter as always and the ending ties everything up nicely.
StrikeFreedomX2 chapter 7 . 10/3/2019
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE ROMANCE! MY HEART! ITS PERFECT! I’ll probably use this as reference for my AC fanfic too! Can’t wait to see more from you!
Futtlescish chapter 7 . 10/3/2019
Any chance of a fifth fic about what happened to Mr Bedsheets in this timeline?
Darth Renatus chapter 7 . 10/3/2019
It was great reading this fic and I'll see you in the skies.
MWSeraph chapter 6 . 10/2/2019
A redux of the final mission in a hurricane? Reminds me of the penultimate mission of Assault Horizon, but better. XD

RaptorZeroOne chapter 6 . 10/2/2019
Fighting in a hurricane eh? Reminds me of that one mission of Assault Horizon.

As much as I dislike Assault Horizon that mission in the hurricane was pretty hilarious. I mean, you are in the middle of a hurricane and having a dogfight in the middle of a hurricane. That is Ace Combat level of crazy in a nutshell.
Xcom-anders chapter 6 . 10/1/2019
You know, after the DLC dropped I was about to ask if you were planning on writing any follow-ups what with more expansions on the way. Low and behold, you already beat me to it. You sneaky pete. Guess I'll have to keep a closer eye on you.

On to the story itself, I take it the ERA is an off-shoot of Free Erusea? I was going to say that if you were planning on writing about the DLC missions post-Lighthouse War, then setting it up like a violent separatist movement would be the best course of action, but naturally, you've already beaten me to it.
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