Reviews for A Bullet In The Chamber
TheMexicanAttcker chapter 2 . 10/8/2019
Izuku is pretty cool and I love just how Eri acts I can't wait to see more.
OnThotPatrol chapter 2 . 10/6/2019
damn I really like this story, cant wait for more
Joseph Vowels chapter 1 . 9/24/2019
Update bitter sweet shots soon please
Miki Sa chapter 1 . 9/12/2019
Continue the story I love it and I hope I will be able to read it all
Bonzenz chapter 1 . 9/11/2019
so, so far, it's an amazing premise and is written with a wonderful plot but there's a bunch of tiny grammar mistakes and I would like to offer my services in going through and helping to polish it up, respond if you're interested.