Reviews for Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019 Film Retelling)
Supermoi chapter 12 . 4/23
That... actually brought tears to my eyes. And tore at me something fierce. What's to say either of them are right?
Supermoi chapter 5 . 4/13
I love it so much more then the movie. The movie was awesome, mind you, but also left a feeling of not being completed. It lack depth where it mattered. This however, is much more fleashed out and much better!
CalvinFujii chapter 19 . 1/22
I always interpreted Maddie screaming out "FUCK YOU!" to Ghidorah before he tries to kill her.
JurassicKaiju14 chapter 1 . 11/6/2019
So, final thoughts.

Overall, I think this was pretty well-done. You definitely succeeded in making a stronger version of the movie, for the most part. There were some elements that I would have tackled a little differently (and I likely will if I ever get around to a rewrite of my own), and some parts didn't work for me. But other than that, I think you did a good job.

On a side note, I particularly liked the added depth you gave to Mark's sense of guilt. If I ever make my own rewrite, do you mind if I did something similar?
Scarease chapter 22 . 10/14/2019
Need get some ships and more military force shoot that thre head dragon from Space .
Scarease chapter 18 . 10/14/2019
Well if smart Jonah you could assassinate scum of world powers Lthey now to gather together everyone once and a while .Bones and skulls club ,Morgan's ,Rothchild ,Rockefellers ,and such other such individuals and groups pretty well know .be smart find out all buddies and clubs wipe them out fix lot world problems especial do thing right ,from their you insure that moral just and good people rise power ,well weeding out new Govermental leader now about corrupt and unjust laws and people so new system laws and such place Provent them corrupt rising in power and any corruption is stamped out before spread like cancer .
Release Gaint Animals will not kill the big bad corrupt people they just hide in secret bunkers well rest die .
Scarease chapter 17 . 10/14/2019
Make it dirty bomb that does less bang but release radiation out Big G will suck it up and the damage done to these ruins will whole lot smaller .Mean have better chance at studying ruins later to learn about ancient humanity and Titens .
Scarease chapter 16 . 10/14/2019
I wish had other method of feeding him that did not destroy million year old ruins of city that like held great amount of knowledge and history of age when Titen walk beside man .Lost in flash .All that arc hectare that surpasses anything now of lost to .Historians ,archeologist weep.
Scarease chapter 15 . 10/14/2019
Ya our Titen the local wild life not the planet killing monster that take Eco system and flushing down to hell .
What found wierd is that so only three Titens opposed Gidorah .Consider other Titens like have beat into submission by Godzilla or have own Alpha defeat before submitting to Gidorah .
Example Reason First Muto did not submit to Godzilla do their Alpha the prime Muto was still alive .defeat leader or kill him to take his place is required .Some Titen like our Solitary ,other pack or other social structures to .some being highly territorial and others not so aggressive .
Scarease chapter 11 . 10/14/2019
Think about natural order I think like Titens sleep in cycles this to between those hibernate ,those dwell hollows and those on surface .lwith alpha rule largest radioactive area .Example Godzilla underwater city being one of his zone .he like has defend from other of kind and other aquatic traveling Titens .well some Titen favoriting solar ,get thermic hot spots such volcano for Rodan ,and some being predators feeding on other Titens and dire animals to help sustain them selves .
Scarease chapter 10 . 10/14/2019
As soldier I would not have shot Gaint dragon My guns not that powerful all it going do get it annoyed and then I am a dead man .shoot flare at enemy human force to get attack them yes shoot three head dragon of hell no .
Scarease chapter 8 . 10/14/2019
You now basterd Jonah attack Titen station do not increase security and armed force to protect them .Morons .
Scarease chapter 7 . 10/14/2019
Nature order by sell and marketing Titen does not sound like Eco friend thing to me Jonah sound like being dick to Mother Nature .When just release them ,protect let nature do her thing after words .not we have many weapons to fight these Titens .
Scarease chapter 5 . 10/14/2019
Monster are humanity .Godzilla and his kind not different then Whales ,Sharks ,and very wolves you study .They do not do thing to spiteful follow nature ,biology and social structures just like animal your studying right know .Humanity ones awoke Titens and in end responsible for San Fran .Godzilla just doing any animal does take out threat to him .people dies just unlucky to in path way of their fights .do you feel anything ants you step on when fight some no .To you just bugs small thing that bearly notice at all we are those ants .
You already seen their ability heal environmental damage that take us decades to hundred years to fix .radation of Japan's Ractor leaks ,Boost in wildlife ,fertility of forests in just few years in wake of Godzilla .We as species need understand him just you seek to study and understand all animals roles in the ecosystem .
Scarease chapter 4 . 10/14/2019
Thing found was the fact that bad guy able walk into heavily guarded Titen stations with little to no resistance .Now what Orca was ,how at that station .
Then arrogance force Titens awakening .They will awaken on own time to either repair world or wipe up cull us when time ready .Nothing ever goes well when humanity try force nature do thier bidding .
Plus fact he did not do more research on very Titen he plans to release .Even he should seen that Gidorah was bad news do mass power of environmental alteration .
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