Reviews for The Morrigan Effect
The Prime Cronos chapter 8 . 7/22
So you take quite a lot of names from different universes, Does the Galactica resemble it's namesake with just a vertical Layout like in the expanse or is it a ship totally different.
Btw i like the ideal of the drones, even pdcs on drones to expaned their effective range would be a cool addition. I also like how you devide human Space into different factions.
Now i am still confused about James Holden, is He dead, was He on the Cant when she was destroyed? Because He was not on the shuttle to the. Quwib Quwib.
djgould1127 chapter 3 . 5/5
Someone has been watching Spacedock.
Janizary chapter 8 . 2/4
Very interesting start and mashup. Subscribed for updates!
Guest chapter 8 . 1/30
It seems that the description of the story does not match to the story itself.

"This is a rehash of several scify to then end in a dick waving content with HFY" - would be more accurate.

What I found lacking is:
- If you do a crossover, stick to one.
- Don't just use the exactly same scenes - donnager battle. Put some effort into your story. If you pick the Expanse, then imagine how each faction or person in the Expanse universe would react to a turrian invasion.
- Keep Humanity in the underdog role.
Better to win a few battles with luck and ingenuity than simply waving your big fat battleshi(t)ps
- to sum up this story: They hurt us - so now we can finally use our BIG d*** and f*** them. END

How anyone thinks this is a great story will stay a mystery.
gaul1 chapter 8 . 1/21
Good chapter, wonders what will happen next, keep up the good work, byes
mrayj chapter 1 . 1/20
this could use a time line codex at the beginning
Blaze1992 chapter 8 . 1/19
So humans should be considered better space explorers than the CC since at least this version of humanity makes sure to spread out not just limit themselves to the relay systems.
OMAC001 chapter 8 . 1/18
Looks like Humanity out qualities the Turians!
Guest chapter 2 . 1/17
please PLEASE fix your grammar, "where" and "were" are not the same word.
D72 chapter 8 . 1/17
The meshing is reference heavy. Like I know my Galactica, I know my Firefly, but I checked out of expanse after the first season, and it seems like you're leaning on it pretty heavy.

Still not sure why the characters from firefly had to die instead of the canon expanse people, and also not sure why Doc Cottle is something else here. Like it sort of feels like you needed to jam a colonial in the spot and drew a name out of a hat.

Like if you wanted someone to get in a dick waving contest with Udina, Tom Zarek was the man to choose.

Hell, for a colonial Rep, Billy or Tory would have been a better choice.
Pteaset chapter 8 . 1/17
So good
Pteaset chapter 5 . 1/17
I was wondering if you could send me a private message with your YouTube channel I would actually like to subscribe to that but I have dyslexia so finding it through this it’s tough if you could send me a link that would be great
Pteaset chapter 5 . 1/17
So good
Pyrforos chapter 7 . 1/12
You had me when you brought freaking Strangereal into Mass Effect. KEPP IT UP
Guest chapter 7 . 12/27/2019
destroy the turian. asari, and salarian shipbuilding centers and launched WMD's on their colonies. put the fear of humanity into them, and the quarians have dextro planets for colonization.
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