Reviews for Commander Blaze, a front line commander story
Primordial Inscriptor Z-09 chapter 30 . 8/29
FDG, Azur Lane's mobile day care center
Primordial Inscriptor Z-09 chapter 29 . 8/28
Your 'night' scene writing is in the top 10 I've read! The entire chapter for a date was really satisfying, thanks!
Ultimate Kuuga chapter 30 . 8/25
Oh crap, an all out assault from Siren. This can’t be good. Great chapter.
HeronLsL chapter 30 . 8/24
Nice, what a WONDERFUL chapter, that beginning was a lot of fun. Willian's conversation with his sister was interesting to read.
And his training with Warspite was also enjoyable to read, I hope to see more of their training in the future.
And this question of the new armor, the Praetorian armor reminds me a little of Cod AW's XS1 Goliath, which by the way is my favorite armor in the game.
And when we think that everything is calm, there is an emergency alert to confirm that the holidays are over.
And to get everything back into action we have a mission to defend an Aircraft Carrier with a valuable cargo.
The mission itself was well structured and fun to read, the tag team from avrora and javelin was very incredible.
And to close, we have the reappearance of purifer, man as I am expecting the fight between her and Willian.
(F for you my friend, that in the next event RNGesus bless your gacha).
Wargrunt214 chapter 30 . 8/22
Woooho Mama friederich is here!... sorta. Anyway I love how you write the combat scenes on this it's always a blast, looking forward to see how the battle unfolds.
starburst98 chapter 30 . 8/22
Yeah but now you got a second chance at lord biscuit.
obelix1999 chapter 30 . 8/22
you can grind Scharnhort and Gneisenau at D3 at Schrezo rerun then
Rectha101 chapter 30 . 8/22
First, it's good to see your update. and I love every second of it

Second, you have my condolences and I share your pain fellow commander

Third, go (re)watch Kiryu Coco Meme review
TheGrimTroupe chapter 30 . 8/22
Fear not my good friend, Scharnhorst and Gneisseneu are also in this Ironblood rerun. Sad that you did not get Valiant but it is apparent that I might not get the new Ironbloods since RNG is giving me everyone else.

For the story, nice to see some combat after a good relaxation. It's definitely getting a bit spicier now and I'm eager to read more
REVANOFSITHLORD chapter 30 . 8/22
Ouch. Good luck
Vigo Gundam Otaku chapter 28 . 8/17
why do i feel some Girlfrontline vibe here
Tracer28 chapter 29 . 8/13
Well, I think you’re smut writing skill improved but this was a chapter that was a long time coming. I wonder do you also read on fiction dot live? Or tsumino dot com? There are pretty good smut fiction on the first one you can use as a reference, especially if you want William to be dominating and not cringy. In the latter one, there’s a good smut story about the Admiral and Hood, its pretty amazing, you can use that as a visual reference for how Hood would have looked like mid passion
HeronLsL chapter 29 . 8/13
My congratulations, this was undoubtedly a great chapter, we had a little bit of everything and a generous amount of something else.
It is fun to see both Willian and Lucas playing, it is always good to see their intercessions.
Warspite showing Willian a little bit of his training was good too, I really hope to see what their training will be like since our beloved warcorgi will be rigorous, I look forward to it.
The beach part was also Gold, I think it's excellent that you add a lot of memes both from the community and from outside, it's really enjoyable to read, and he feeds the three girls, Helena being Helena giving me diabetes, she is so cute.
And this meeting between Willian and Hood, what can I say ?
It was just perfect, I have to go to the doctor now, just reading it seems like a spoonful of sugar has been stuffed into my mouth.
And I am overjoyed to talk, I love how Hood's personality is getting, with her being more 'honest', my friend the picnic part was just perfect.
Finally, the smut part was very well written, my congratulations.
Now it's illustrious's turn to have her date.
Looking forward to the next chap.
REVANOFSITHLORD chapter 29 . 8/12
ah Illustrious next?
I'm a bit white hair,red hair lover lol
Ultimate Kuuga chapter 29 . 8/12
Ahhh William, a man of culture I see. You finally accepted your role as a Penetrator and pierce Hood’s defense like crazy! And at the beginning of this chapter makes me scream like a mad man, you know about Kamen Rider!? Great chapter!
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