Reviews for Nothing to do with the Plan
MojoBoingo chapter 5 . 7/23
So I really enjoy this story, specifically the character interplay. I devour fanfiction the way others devour trashy romance (which is sometimes the same thing, really), and typically I don't like it when a character's sexuality is altered because it comes across as.. disingenuous? But the framework for Harry being attracted to Blaise was convincingly laid out and I actually appreciate it quite a bit. Less so with Hermione, but it doesn't bother me.

What does is how deus ex machina Lyra is starting to become. It wasn't the first time it occurred to me, but "The Metamorph Sometimes Known as Perenelle Flamel" made it REALLY hard to suspend my disbelief. There's nothing in the story that lays out a basis for her knowing that. When I first started reading, Eris in general almost put me off because she seemed like a readily available excuse to just move the plot forward with convenient information dumps. Her nature as established in your story counterbalances that worry, since she doesn't seem to like giving things away as opposed to Lyra figuring them out herself. I frowned for a lot of this chapter, because it seems like it's basically, systematically, cutting Dumbledore out of his place as a "character who actually matters." It seems like he's just there to be shown up. I have similar worries about Tom. Both versions of Bellatrix are starting to flirt with Mary Sue territory for me. Things just go too easily their way too often, and no one ever seems to match their level of competence. Why does she know about Perenelle? Why did Tom/Bellatrix have to semi-usurp Dumbledore's relationship with her, knowing things about her he never did? Your author note talks about someone being there who's on Dumbledore's side, but from their interaction she doesn't seem even remotely on his side. Like both Bellatrix's, she just undermines his credibility a lot but is polite about it, in comparison.

I was pleasantly surprised with Dumbledore's meeting with Lyra and Harry about Sirius: it actually put him on semi-equal footing. Now he just seems like a punching bag. And Tom seems several orders of magnitude less dangerous than Bellatrix. Who doesn't come across as a villain because of her connection with Lyra. Basically, it seems the "protagonist(s)" hopelessly outmatch the "villains" at this point. So it's hard to be invested in the major conflict.

I also realize I'm posting this review in a not-quite-sequel and 500k or so words after this point have been written, which I've yet to read. So this could hardly have any impact at this point, but it seemed the best time to post my thoughts.

Like I said, I really like your character interaction. I also like how descriptive your are about magic. It just feels like Lyra and Bellatrix have far, far too much going for them compared to literally everyone else in the story. By several orders of magnitude. I'm not going to stop reading, but I am worried about where it's going.

Either way, keep writing! Even if something does dealbreak the story for me, I'll never just flame people over that stuff.
Shirabe chapter 24 . 5/12
can u get on tv tropes instead?
Shirabe chapter 21 . 5/11
they still are out of chronological order so still very confusing

please arrange soon.
Runaway Fantasy Princess chapter 9 . 4/29
Never once have I considered Tonks and Snape together, but ... What a fantastic fucking idea. It’s way more natural than her and Remus (said with the understanding that I adore Remus and Tonks as individual characters). Love this series!
Guest chapter 28 . 4/24
Guest chapter 16 . 4/23
This chapter doesn’t really make sense? Harry ‘knows’ Lyra is a mini clone of Bellatrix already so in this chapter his shock at Bellatrix being Lyra’s mother doesn’t make sense cuz he’s already coming to terms with it then suddenly it’s a massive shock like he didn’t know. I don’t know if the earlier chaoter was edited or...? But yeah, don’t really get this?
JohnnyBlack773 chapter 28 . 4/16
This has been pretty good so far, so I'm going to keep reading. This fic is the closest thing I can get to the Black Queen series and I love it. Lyra is a very interesting character and I actually like the pairings. I'm excited to see what you do with 4th year and Not-Professor Riddle.
TheLostArchivist chapter 23 . 2/22
Really, I happen to prefer this sort of thing to many actual books. I'm not sure if that says something about me (and my addiction to fanfics [I still can't decide if it's more or less dangerous a one than coffee]) or about the crap that gets published nowadays, but having a sideplot kudzu-ify itself isn't that bad if it does this!

Also, it's not the best example, but the last book in the Eragon series had all sorts of timescale issues, so having a summer take as much verbiage as the entire previous story isn't unheard-of. And again, you did a good job with it, soooo...
TheLostArchivist chapter 21 . 2/22
Oh my~. That's an ... interesting revelation. Suddenly a lot more makes sense. Eris made her an avatar, by accident! No wonder she's so bullshit...

Hm. "The Right Hand of Chaos" sounds catchy...

And of course, apparently applying chaos to politics results in stuff like this happening. Oops?
TheLostArchivist chapter 18 . 2/22
I have been massively enjoying this timeline, but I think this chapter may take the cake.

Poor Dumbledore. He's deluded, and probably nowhere near as Light or benevolent as he thinks he is, but he's going mad over what were literally just some incidental things that Lyra set off in the name of Chaos.

Which is just perfect, really, since only a Chaos entity could make such random and offhanded events cause this much seemingly-targeted hassle. And it's really, really funny.

And now I'm hoping that Perenelle was originally part of the Black family, because it would be great if Lyra accidentally sparked a family reunion. After all, the representative from Miskatonic was once a Black, too...

And in a lore sense of things, I really like the setting and deeper explanation of magic and the Powers that you both have going on here. I can't help but hope that she accidentally launches Britain into a new enlightenment age (maybe not necessarily going so far as making everyone a Black or White Mage, but at least bringing back all the rare magics-although she'd love to do both, I'm sure) in her attempts at annoying people.
Guest chapter 28 . 2/4
I love
fireball900 chapter 12 . 1/27
Having a book written for her is the most romantic gesture Hermione Granger could ever receive.
fireball900 chapter 9 . 1/27
Shapeshifting an army away for easier snuggling sounds *amazing* and now I wonder why I never heard of it before.
Kris chapter 2 . 1/21
My vocabulary always expands when I read your stories. ;)
Charlie Sutton chapter 23 . 1/16
Is it wrong for me to want to grab Harry by the shoulders and just shake him until he understands that feelings are supposed to be confusing when you’re 14? Because I really do want to do that. Other than that, I love the story, and the world building.
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