Reviews for Descent
Naomie96 chapter 2 . 9/8
You should really don’t a read through and re-edit and you should maybe flush out certain details so readers can be more in the moment for example maybe using more descriptive language can paint a picture for us...
sexysorceress3001 chapter 18 . 9/4
Only Lucifer would greet boobs like people lol
SPCLjmm chapter 18 . 9/3
Passion, fun, n laughter ... the most wonderful moments in time for a couple of special “people”.
Patougv chapter 17 . 6/24
Hot! Beds are burning!
sexysorceress3001 chapter 17 . 6/18
Even hell can't stand her sensible shoes lmfao
KnightRanger4ver chapter 17 . 6/17
There seems to be a problem with the posting of this chapter. Please re-post it.
WildSquirtle chapter 17 . 6/17
Yo it’s in code pls reupload
Patougv chapter 16 . 6/14
Hail Queen Chloe!
Guest chapter 16 . 5/26
Enjoying this story very much. An interesting take on what happens after Lucifer leaves. Thumbs up!
mendenbar chapter 16 . 5/26
These last two chapters were everything I could hope for. Hell was a delight (of course it would represent as a dragon - no other possibility would do) and a multifaceted Lucifer was a visual treat. I can just see Lucifer and Chloe in their crowns on the throne holding "audiences." Lovely, just lovely.
JayeMaru chapter 16 . 5/26
I like this story, thank you for sharing it.
sexysorceress3001 chapter 16 . 5/25
Detective-Queen lol
Patougv chapter 15 . 5/16
Hell appearing as a dragon? That is an interesting idea. Good chapter, looking forward for the next.
SPCLjmm chapter 15 . 4/24
Interesting. Hope you are safe n healthy.
Meeklyopinioned chapter 15 . 4/22
I don't review until the last chapter. I find your story delightful and can't wait read more. I hope you are safe and healthy and that your loved ones are doing well. Thank you for such a charming story. I hope you update soon.
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