Reviews for Of lunch thieves and fake relationships
The100fan09 chapter 19 . 7/30
aweeee cuteee
tamechampagne chapter 19 . 6/3
this was so satisfying and feels really completely whole 20/10 love
tamechampagne chapter 18 . 6/3
I've never wanted to fight Bellamy Blake! the Tudors weren't around as long as all those fun and insane roman emperors but they were interesting for what they were! like they had the most power of any monarch in England since the Magna Carta/parliament came into play and it was partially bc they worked well with parliament and partially bc their strategy when it came to doing so that parliament was basically under their thumbs. and their financials are interesting too bc Henry was smart about his coin but splurged to make himself appear more kingly and give credence to his rule but the next henry was a typical trust fund baby and spent till his fingers bled. and yeah everyone knows the whole 6 wives thing but the first one had a stronger claim to the throne than his dad AND her fam was filthy rich, no doubt spurring the spending a little bc he was an immature man who probably felt the need to show off and ew I'm sorry I just rambled about them.

anyway this chapter was a gift, all of them are really and this one just felt refreshing and healing tysm xx
tamechampagne chapter 17 . 6/3
prOGRESS! also I meant to comment a few chapters back how much I absolutely adore memori and also Murphy in general and can't remember if I did? kudos on all the characterizations truly bc I feel accurately in love with them all and I love this fic's Murphy as much as I love canon Murphy
tamechampagne chapter 16 . 6/3
is that? progress? my little heart couldn't take much more sad vibes oml thank you for putting me out of my misery 10/10 love u
tamechampagne chapter 15 . 6/3
honestly mood. the show feels like this too because bellamy is the heart that everyone loves so they follow him and they follow Clarke because she makes sense. or at least season 1-2 anyway.

poor bellamy I'm emo for him rn
tamechampagne chapter 14 . 6/3
ouch. this one hurted but sometimes things have to fall apart to be better yeah

love mom abby!
tamechampagne chapter 13 . 6/3

God, this fic just keeps getting better and better. Each part lends to the whole but it's like each part is individually perfect and well written and well-paced.

Some fics are also amazing but not in the way that this one is because other fics actually have weak chapters or filler chapters that you're able to skim and skip but not this one and just yeah, woah. love this

but all that aside? yay for plan abandonment!
tamechampagne chapter 12 . 6/3
I also know nothing about rugby and would require hot possessive sex as repayment for attending a match Clarke is a mood here

and Bellamy? *chefs kiss*
tamechampagne chapter 11 . 6/3
not the plan clarke oh no stop it I for real panicked when he invited her to the rugby game. perfect place for public humiliation please tell me she won't be a big dummy? such a nerd shouldn't be such a big dummy
tamechampagne chapter 10 . 6/3
very smooth M-rated chapter! love that, also loving the tolerant bellamy and clarke acknowledgement of how anatomy works differently for boys and girls, she's gonna be a doctor after all haha

this was super cute!
tamechampagne chapter 9 . 6/3
y'know as far as revenge goes, paint in the hair or cake in the face or chicken salad in the rugby boots: all more feasible reactions to the crime! but noOoOoO Clarke just needed a really big excuse to date Bellamy ;)

very john tucker must die dramatic only this time she stays with john tucker I live for it xx
tamechampagne chapter 8 . 6/3
adorable idiot nerds and inclusion of Emori's hand! legend behavior honestly, your writing is goddamn legend behavior
tamechampagne chapter 7 . 6/3
I thought drunk clarke was amazing so you raised me a drunk bellamy? stan

emori and murphy? stan

Octavia Blake characterization? stan
tamechampagne chapter 6 . 6/3
love that this fic includes the Braven thing! I always loved that scene bc Bellamy told her it was a bad idea and gave her the time to rethink it and basically only did it to make her feel better and bc he thought Finn was a dick

also love that Ravens trying to be a good friend and smooth things over meanwhile clarke's in her head tryna calculate and triangulate and strategize smh love these 2
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