Reviews for Locked Up
d'evilregal chapter 17 . 5/27
Loved it but I would love a sequel I think it’d be fun for mal and ruby to interrogate him. And then it can lead to them running from Emma lol
Lunaandtwilight07 chapter 17 . 3/27
Yay! They got their happy ending! I really enjoyed this story and following them on their eventful journey! You did such a great job, I really loved it! Thank you!
kari.evie chapter 16 . 3/1
Awww finally
Guest chapter 16 . 3/1
Robin e Rick
kari.evie chapter 15 . 2/27
I am in love with the story, please continue
CarolinaR95 chapter 15 . 2/23
I'm loving this story! So many emotions! I hope Robin is alright and I can't wait for them to be reunited againIt's so good that Regina is free again, but I'm afraid of what Gold can do. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Andrea Nike chapter 15 . 2/12
ok they are free, amazing. but how is Robin? what will happen to him? what Swan will do? she worry me! I'm not saying that I'll keep my breath till next chapter but I'm really curious to read it!
d'evilregal chapter 15 . 2/11
Omg please update soon xx
MJRL chapter 15 . 2/11
OMG great chapter. I just love it. I hope Robin is ok.
outlawqueen44 chapter 14 . 1/17
please don't tell me that was the end!
d'evilregal chapter 14 . 1/13
Omg omg please update soon
d'evilregal chapter 13 . 1/5
Omg totally can’t wait for more! Happy New year btw. All the best for 2020!
Lunaandtwilight07 chapter 13 . 12/30/2019
Hiya! Wow this story is amazing! I’ve only just had the chance to read it as I’ve been really busy recently. I really enjoyed binge reading my way through the chapters. Robin bringing Regina packets of skittles was mega cute. I love the way you’ve built the tension and omg! Regina and Mal setting fire to the library! Naughty girls. Let’s hope they don’t get caught, I’m sure they would be in massive trouble if they happens. I also kinda want them to get caught so robin can help her and make sure she’s safe. Really enjoyed reading the chapter, thank you!
d'evilregal chapter 12 . 12/1/2019
Omg can’t wait for more.
d'evilregal chapter 11 . 11/15/2019
Omg I’m absolutely loving this Please please update soon xx
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