Reviews for Seven Nights
Elle Whitecap chapter 19 . 9/12
The story was great. Didn’t like the ending, but that’s ok. Endings are hard. That cafeteria scene was painful. Glad they didn’t let 3 years go by.
Guest chapter 19 . 8/17
Have you considered writing an EPOV? This story is so great and heartwarming and. You're a great writer.
Kate1386 chapter 19 . 8/19
You’d think with all this quarantine time I would have finished this sooner LOL as always with your fics I loved it and am waiting with baited breath for the new fic!
FemenistBellaSwan chapter 19 . 8/17
Omg I loved this so much!
Guest chapter 19 . 8/12
Can't log-in as I deleted my profile, but I absolutely loved this story. Great job, I can't wait to read more of your stories. Thank you for sharing!
jlap.mypersonalfiles chapter 19 . 8/8
I have just come across your stories. Gotta say I’m really enjoying them, this was nu third
Guest chapter 19 . 7/28
A beautiful story.
Thanks for your time
cullenlover88 chapter 19 . 7/28
fun story
luv2dance chapter 19 . 7/11
Such a great story! Thanks for sharing️
writingwithheart chapter 1 . 6/28
I usually don't comment, but while I was reading this, I noticed that the things Edward said, and the overall feel of this fanfic reminded me of one of my favourite tropical/vacation fics called Key West. I find myself re-reading that story every few months because I'm just in love with it. So, when I was done this amazing fic, I'm not ashamed to admit that I viciously stalked your fanfic profile and I was AWESTRUCK to discover that you also wrote Key West! You are officially one of my favourite authors for painting these two beautiful stories!
ghartling chapter 19 . 6/22
What a fun story! Thank you for writing it!
kneon chapter 19 . 6/20
Always love your stories. this one doesn't disappoint. thank you for sharing
Abaire chapter 19 . 5/29
This is absolutely my favorite thing you’ve written and one of my top three favorite fan five. Seriously. Just read to the end and I’m so in love with this story! Thank you for writing it and please keep going.
Abaire chapter 14 . 5/29
This has just become my favorite story of all time. I’ve been reading fan fiction for years and I’m not sure how I missed this one. This is a story I would gladly have paid money to read. Love it. Love it!
4theloveofacullen chapter 19 . 5/27
Love this story!
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