Reviews for The Pact
Alyce Reide chapter 1 . 11/29/2019
This was so great! The summary speaks the truth. The show would make so much more sense-now I'm wondering if this will be the last episode.
Chat-and-ladybug chapter 1 . 8/21/2019
First off: Awww! That was the cutest ending! Second off: this story has me rethinking all of Miraculous and I may or may not have to re watch all of the episodes to check that this isn’t ‘just a fic’... Did Thomas and the others tell you the secret to the show? Has my whole miraculous life just been turned around? (The answer to both is most likely yes hehe) Thank you for writing this MIRACULOUS fic, (that will be stuck in my head furever) I think that you truly got it spot on!
deathmatt144 chapter 1 . 8/19/2019
I like the concept of how both were faking it all the entire time. Great story
Sonochu chapter 1 . 8/18/2019
The title was too clickbait-y for my tastes, but the story was great nonetheless
MelAria chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
That would be some amazing dedication to their cover! I love it! 10/10
Rosie-Rose16 chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
I just realized that the episodes are not in the same order for the english people and the French people... For me, Oblivio happened in the beginning of season 3 but not for you. Now I understand why they never talk about it after that. It's all messed up!
gesswhojoedoe chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
Loved this so much . It would be funny if it was actually true . At this point either all of this is cannon or they are the biggest idiots on the earth . It's a 50-50 shot actually.

Congrats because I loved the way you explain all so we'll and it makes sense .but that got my thinking how do you explain the kiss on puppeteer 2 ?
This whole idea made my brain explode and now like you promised I won't ever see the episodes in the same way
leafgreenflower chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
HA! I love this head-canon, it's a great change from the usual "because magic".
Bella2be chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
Hkt29 chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
Very maquiavelic plan to protect their identities and keep their relationship in secret, specially liked the idea of Adrien being the main source of Marinette's altar.
CaptainMalcolmReynolds chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
That was hysterical. Geez. Now I've got a head cannon that they know. Awesome job! I loved the weekly debriefings!
KagamiPINKAgreste chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
A very interesting insider take on their Famous (Stupid) Love Square. MARICHAT FUREVER & ALWAYS! Seriously Clumsinette is such a stalker to Adrien is disturbing and NOT in the good way either. I love Adrien helping her fill the calendar tho that hiss-tertial.
yellow 14 chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
I admit, I had reservations about this from the title, but I'm happy to see that they were ill placed. Most entertaining, keep writing