Reviews for When we come to it
Dreaming Haven chapter 13 . 7/20
I thought you did an excellent job with the tension in this chapter. Louis was trying to tell Jess not to bother seeing Nadia, but he didn’t listen. Now like Rory says they’ve become very distant thanks to him lying about him working late. She doesn’t have a reason to say no to the Times even if it is a crappy job to start out with. Plus she isn’t going to want to be around if she has to see Jess dating or feel like she’s cramping his style. Let’s be honest Rory doesn’t even need to have a room mate if she decided to stay there she could go find her own place. She is a trust fund kid even if she doesn’t rely on it in the show. She should be old enough to get the trust fund Trix put aside for her. Plus her Christopher probably gave her one too now that he actually has money for his kids. Although her grandparents would be more then willing to get her a place too. She has tons of options.
Anyway I loved the update and hope you update soon!:)
jordana60 chapter 12 . 5/22
When are these 2 crazy kids gonna get over themselves already and get their acts together? I thought maybe Louis was a possible option for Rory, but now it looks like he’s just a friend and it doesn5 seem like he wants to stand in the way of a lit romance, even though the actual subjects don’t see it yet. So Nadia is mentioned a few times here and there, and Jess seems to like her, but he better not start anything with her! I’m choosing to believe that because you haven’t fleshed her out, she’s going to just a blip on the radar. IJess was awfully quick to tell her how she can’t take the NYT’s job, so maybe that’s something! I wonder if she’ll take the job.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/20
Ohhh so much tension! Can’t wait to see where it goes next :)
FrenchyMarshmallow chapter 13 . 5/19
But... But... But... This is a cruel place to end the chapter lol!
I don't really know what's going on with Jess, is it that he's dating Nadia? Is it the talk with Louis that made him think he needed some distance from Rory? Is it the NYT thing? I mean he's kinda being a jerk, faking work not to see her, then lying about the date with Nadia and I can see why having her over for a movie night would be especially painful for Rory because it is their thing. And then to act like he's the pissed of one in the morning makes no sense to me. I hope we get to know what's going on real soon because my little heart literally broke for Rory in this chapter :(
Guest chapter 13 . 5/19
Okay I like those stories where Jess has is dating or has a girlfriend and isn’t waiting around for Rory. I don’t know I just feel Rory should have to go after Jess.

So I liked it, thought it was very in character for them to act like they did at the end.

Keep going, want to see what happens next
R-COTA chapter 13 . 5/19
Oh nooooo. I knew it was coming, but noooo. Damn their lack of communication haha.
Dreaming Haven chapter 12 . 5/12
Love the idea of Jess freaking out about the Times. I liked how Louis was trying to get it through to Jess that seeing Nina wasn’t a good idea. He also definitely jumped to fast to say she couldn’t take it. That should’ve come after the excitement, but there was no excitement from him.
What is it going to take to get them together? I look forward to the answer.:)
Guest chapter 12 . 5/10
Ohhh so excited for more! I wish these two could realize their feelings and talk about it openly. Maybe if Rory decides to go to NYC, they will see what they are missing?
FrenchyMarshmallow chapter 12 . 5/10
Good chapter, I liked the discussion between Jess and Louis because it kinda gave us an insight on how Jess is feeling. My guess is that he actually still very much like Rory but he's choosing to ignore this because he thinks she's over him. But the way he reacted to the discussion and globally to Louis and Rory's friendship obviously shows otherwise.
The mix up with this, added to Nadia and the NYT thing will probably help move things along or so I hope. I am not sure how it works in the US regarding contract but I am not I actually understand why Rory would have to say no to the NYT because of her current contract but that's not that important I guess (I just like to understand :)).
Looking forward to those 2 chapters you already have written (it means we won't have to wait right?).
R-COTA chapter 12 . 5/10
Oh my god, next chapte ️
jordana60 chapter 11 . 4/17
First of all, thanks so much for the update. At first, I was hoping we would see Jess and Rory getting a little closer, but I guess it makes sense that Rory signed the contract first and now she’s on the lease, maybe things will start heating up. I know the story is mainly from Rory’s point of view, but other than Jess pushing hard for Rory to get this job, I really don’t know what Jess is feeling towards Rory. That being said, all the little things he does for Rory, like when she was sick and cooking her dinner, and converting his office to her bedroom, make his feelings apparent. It was nice what LOrelai said to Jess. I am excited for more. Sorry your computer is on the fritz, but your next update will be worth the wait, I’m sure
Dreaming Haven chapter 11 . 4/17
Glad she’s staying there, just wish they were moving it along a little bit faster. I just love the two of them together but hopefully the wait will be worth it.:)
ellie.wright101297 chapter 11 . 4/16
i love this story so far !
PicklebyPie chapter 11 . 4/16
Simply awesome, as Jess would say! Seriously, glad you updated and look forward to the next no matter how long the wait.
R-COTA chapter 11 . 4/16
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