Reviews for Handcuffs and White Lies
Juneselene chapter 56 . 5/31
Loved it! I am looking forward to part 4
Aya chapter 55 . 5/12
Great chapter.
ElyzabetShardlake chapter 55 . 5/12
Brilliant chapter! This is one of the few times Nora/Neal really comes close to loosing it, and you capture it brilliantly. Also captured Fowler's desperation too, which is great, its very difficult to pity him, and yet you manage it by the end of this episode. Cannot wait for the next one, literally one of my favourites, and we get to see Spencer again!
Aya chapter 54 . 5/5
So glad you've back. Really looking forward for the upcoming chapter. Great work!
Guest chapter 53 . 5/2
So glad you're back to writing this. Great job.
Guest chapter 52 . 4/13
Please write more.
ElyzabetShardlake chapter 52 . 2/22
Excellent! Love sneaky Nora!
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 50 . 2/17
*deep sigh* Honestly, the end of that episode gets to me. Not because it's a cliffhanger or anything, but because they simply can't keep that promise. They will keep secrets from each other, huge secrets, life-threatening, life-changing secrets, and there's nothing anyone can really do about it.
pechika chapter 50 . 2/16
Love this episode love your interpretation
Aya chapter 50 . 2/16
I really loved this chapter.
Aya chapter 49 . 2/15
Awesome as always. And I also can't wait for your take on the upcoming episodes. Great work.
ElyzabetShardlake chapter 49 . 2/15
Excellent chapter! Looking forward to your final instalment (I'm presuming). Cannot wait for you to post the next two episodes :D
Aya chapter 45 . 1/12
I'm so glad you decided to continue it. Keep it up. 3
Guest chapter 44 . 11/3/2019
Really missing Nora. Wish you could write more
Juneselene chapter 44 . 10/20/2019
I have just read all of your Nora Caffrey stories and I am absolutely in love with them. I am really exited to see how it is going to continue, especially the relationship between Nora and Spencer :)
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