Reviews for Naruto: Relit
SnowCatt chapter 30 . 7/21
I'm still excited to read this.
rasenganwarrior chapter 29 . 7/19
Over 200k words and just now at the Chunin exams. Sorry pal not worth my time.
JackSFM chapter 29 . 7/17
while I'm liking the story so far I have to ask, why is naruto so dumb sometimes?, like I know in the original Naruto he wasn't the smartest in the series, but being so stupid to the point he has no idea who Hinata is doesn't make sense to me and makes me both laugh and cringe with their interactions.
Scissorman1985 chapter 29 . 7/16
Good stuff.
NoNameUchiha chapter 29 . 7/15
Ignore the flames: This is one of the best stories on the site, and you change it enough from canon to be a good fanfiction instead of a retelling of canon.

I was very glad to see this chapter up so soon!
SnowCatt chapter 28 . 7/13
Guest chapter 27 . 7/10
Absolute trash, we've all seen and read Naruto the way it is. You trying to rewrite it is not even a little entertaining... Stop trying to redo canon please!
SnowCatt chapter 27 . 7/6
Everyone's characterizations are so fun to read now.
brutusjr chapter 6 . 7/6
Thanks for sharing, but you have made Naruto too stupid for me to take seriously. You followed the character version too closely. I like Naruto with a little more going for him upstairs.

Again though, thanks for taking the time to share...
WTMS chapter 26 . 6/29
This is amazing. Please dont stop producing these chapters.
NoNameUchiha chapter 26 . 6/29
This tenth question is brutal.

Now we must wait for the next chapter in pain.
Phoenixx Rising chapter 25 . 6/19
Guest chapter 25 . 6/17
Your fanfic is great and entertaining as hell keep it up
Phoenixx Rising chapter 24 . 6/16
Man, I’d like to punch Neji in the face! And I want to know who yelled at him. Was it Sasuke? I’m very curious how they are going to get out. And I really want to know what’s going on over there with Naruto and Hinata.
SnowCatt chapter 23 . 6/4
So the chunin exams are totally changed. I like this.
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