Reviews for Knight in Leather Jacket and Jeans
Jae Mathers chapter 28 . 3/24
That was beautiful. Seth and Becky are next to get married.
Renee Good chapter 27 . 3/24
Pretty good chapter.
Guest chapter 28 . 3/21
Omg that’s amazing
Yankees01 chapter 28 . 3/21
Yay they got married!
FantasyImager chapter 28 . 3/21
That was a sweet chapter! yay!
FantasyImager chapter 27 . 3/21
He probably means it, but she should say not yet
Yankees01 chapter 27 . 3/21
I just don't want her to say yes
Guest chapter 27 . 3/19
She should say yes. As long they continue to communicate and tell each other how they feel they should be okay. Good chapter. Can't wait to read more
Yankees01 chapter 26 . 3/18
They need to talk
Hannah Kentucky chapter 26 . 3/18
I wonder what would happen if she said no. I would not blame her at all.
Tingtorn78 chapter 25 . 3/14
Wow, Sam is pretty badass!
Rocki 1995 chapter 25 . 3/13
Keep it up.
Guest chapter 25 . 3/11
I know what he said was horrible and he's an idiot but I hope they work it out. They should talk first and sort everything out before she says yes to his proposal. Great chapter. Can't wait to read more
Brandy Smith chapter 24 . 3/9
If I were Sam, I wouldn't have saved Dean.
FantasyImager chapter 24 . 3/8
What the f...?
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