Reviews for The Second Messiah (Rewrite)
Guest chapter 3 . 8/28
did you die?
PLUTONIUM chapter 3 . 8/18
[5H1R054K1 4R03] CH0PP1R1 G0U1N N4 5H14W453 0!
Sure wish there was an update for this story… if not perhaps an OMAKE where the DOOM SLAYER were to make an appearance! I believe that the following stories, "Universal DOOM" (By: ImpulsiveWeaver) and "Welcome Home, Great Slayer" (By: Sir Yeetus Deletus) would best summarise his… 'personality' in your story. You know, before it all goes METAL!

[K12UK4 K42UK1] R41N 0F V0W5
"So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again." — Corrax Entry 7:17


[C4RN] CH1K4KU73 7001 K12UN4
"Against all the evil that Hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce, we will send unto them... only you. Rip and tear, until it is done." — King Novik

"For he will walk among us, and he will smite the evil from this earth. For he who comes in our time of need is not of mortal breed, he is the Destroyer, the right hand of our Creator and the one who brings fear where there is no hope." — Corrax Tablet 3:13
Alex Emiya chapter 3 . 8/4
This is a good rewrite, keep it up
Guest chapter 3 . 7/24
Ray I highly doubt that will happen this its really close to the original one he did but much better the first one was good but this is so much better.
Ray chapter 3 . 7/22
I hope you don't involve Minato with the engagement business, be on the devils' side and train issei. That's been done so many times already it's getting old. I'm getting tired of seeing the same copy paste story.

I hope this will be different.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/15
Update plz
Guest chapter 3 . 7/15
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 2 . 6/28
And lose all interest when it seems its gonna be another train Issei garbage.
ulttoanova chapter 3 . 6/4
I love this story so far and can't wait for more it's very well written and it has me eager for more.
Jackejsh chapter 1 . 6/3
This rewrite seems to be going well
Thieves Guild chapter 3 . 5/10
"Out of Character Is Serious Business"

1) In the New Testament, Jesus has a very serious O.O.C. moment known as "the cleansing of the temple". While some people may argue that Jesus could never have acted out of character, there is no doubt that even (and especially) His friends and followers were shocked by what they saw. He was literally the poster boy for patience and forgiveness. But everybody has at least one thing that really burns them up and makes them want to break something/someone; for Jesus, it seems, it was taking advantage of poor and ignorant people in the name of God (the corruption in the Jewish church was along the same lines as the selling of indulgences in Martin Luther's time). When He saw what was going on, He just stood there, looking around and emanating so much anger that He didn't even have to raise His voice for everybody in the temple to know that Jesus meant serious business and they were in it deep. He flipped over a money-changer's table, and the priests and merchants ran for it. If you read the account carefully, you'll note that this wasn't a hot-blooded moment of rage. No, Jesus "made a whip out of cords" (John 2:15), which takes a good bit of time. Tranquil Fury with extreme deliberation. Not as OOC as one might think. Jesus' one true Berserk Button is hypocrisy, in any form.

Jesus: It is written, "My house shall be a place of prayer." But you are turning it into a den of thieves.

2) Another example would be when Jesus curses the fig tree, causing it to wither and die. This is the only time that He is shown to use His gifts/talents/powers in a way that does not cause life and healing for the recipient (certain Apocrypha notwithstanding). Doubles as a moment of Oh, Crap! because as God he could have used this power at any time to destroy anyone. Let that sink in...

3) A third example is in the Gospel of John when Jesus is not speaking in proverbs. The disciples all notice.
Queensierd chapter 1 . 4/28
Hades isn't the god of death, Hades is the god of the dead and the king of the underworld.
Chayner chapter 3 . 4/26
This is really good.
PasiveNox chapter 1 . 4/26
Mangareader13 chapter 1 . 4/20
I now see the point of small chapters, it is hard to review chapters with this much going on.

It is quite beneficial that the personas that exist in the DxD world have their memories. Wow that was hard to word.

Asia gets a buddy.

Well at least Minato isn't being passive to fixing the world back.
He really is Death.
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