Reviews for Hero And Zero
newsourpatch chapter 7 . 7/28
I dont like bell so annoying and no one cares about levi at all
Darks0uls56 chapter 7 . 7/27
This is a decent fic. Pls pair Levi with Riveria
MasterChiefBoy chapter 7 . 7/27
It was lol but still following this
UniqueSalonga chapter 7 . 7/27
Hoping for more...
YouFuckingDonkey chapter 7 . 7/27
Okaayyy im riding this
uselessman chapter 7 . 7/27
1995hzq chapter 7 . 7/27
The Nyaa part was funny, Levi's soul color is hated by Freya. What was the gold thing Levi emitted at the end?
Guest chapter 1 . 7/27
I demand a harem for levi!
GhostWrecker chapter 7 . 7/27
You still got a few grammar got wrong but not really that noticeable. You should have made Levi go to a different familia imo
SevenStarHero chapter 7 . 7/27
Lol it was an asspull but nevertheless, it still doing great. Im following this
AFanfictionReaderduh chapter 7 . 7/27
This is a great story. Can't wait for more. Also don't get the oc get more op than he ever was please
Kalisto101 chapter 7 . 7/27
Alright, you have my undivided attention
Lol chapter 7 . 7/27
Yeah it was kind of an asspull but i wonder where that power came from. Looks like Syr and Freya were accomplices.
Youp0rn chapter 7 . 7/27
Wow a whooping 10k i really hope this fic gets recognized
Yourmom23 chapter 7 . 7/27
More please!
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