Reviews for Amaranthine
Guest chapter 21 . 12/17/2019
I really hope you didnt do anything to yourself
Another guest chapter 15 . 10/7/2019

I had read you're other stories before you deleted them and I sincerely hope you weren't discouraged by lacking reviews or anything. While I must admit that I'm not reading your current one, simply out of personal reasons that make it difficult for me to read about the darker themes it's dealing with, you should know that your writing style is still as stellar and smooth in this one as I remembered. I'm sure other people reading your work have felt the same, even if they didn't express it.
From reading your bio, I can tell that Amaranthine has a special meaning to you and if writing this story can in any way be cathartic for you, then that's a good enough reason to write and post it!
Please don't feel like you're somehow tainting this community with your work, you're doing a wonderful contribution and your talent for writing is welcomed. We're all just people who have somehow enjoyed the same game and whatever pain you might be carrying, I hope writing about these fictional characters can present an outlet to you. I dearly hope you'll decide to stay after finishing this story, we're happy to have you.

Sending you a lot of appreciation and hopefully some hope.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/3/2019
An excellent story. Probably one of the best stories on this site in the past 20 years. A shame it's on a small community like Golden Sun.

Reading your bio tells me this is first person experience. This story is high enough quality to be an actual publishable book.
REDMASTEROFPOKEMON chapter 1 . 9/25/2019

Sorry I fell asleep on my keyboard reading this boring shit. 0/10 fanfic, thank god my awesome Golden Sun fanfic, A Black Sun Dawns is here to save this site from the shitty collection of tripe, like the drivel I read here
Krosshair chapter 1 . 8/1/2019
Goddamn, I felt an existential crisis just from reading this. The end of the universe has always been something I've tried to put on the backburner, and this just brought that fear back to me all at once.

Nice work!