Reviews for Ash Ketchum, Pokemon Master
June Henrichson chapter 21 . 8/22
the best story ever cant stop reading thank you so much.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/10
very interesting storyline, taken two very known choosen ones, Harry Potter and Ash Ketchum, but making more interesting, stronger, more serious about their goals. We falled their adventures as kids, now we following them inter-twined life. Looking forward to see if Hermonie will become a player in this new universe, as the weasley's have been but this time around Harry wasn't friends with them at all, in fact it sounds like Harry may find friendship a bit hard especially after losing Daphne.
Pater Richard chapter 2 . 7/27
Oh no! Poor Jessie!...oh yeah and James too...Okay I forgot him! Anyway, a really great beginning.
WhiteEagle1985 chapter 21 . 7/24
This was a wonderful story here.
TheCrazedValkyrie chapter 21 . 7/22
Hades Darkstar chapter 21 . 7/14
I really like your stories. There was some parts of this one that Harry reminded me of Revan. Have you thought about doing a Star Wars Harry potter crossover, I would love to see one where Harry is reborn as Revan.
GamerOFchAOS chapter 1 . 6/11
regarding the summery, should have made the world end due to an epidemic in 2020
elreyshadow94 chapter 21 . 5/4
Love the story togekiss part made me sad wish she would of came back later in the story
Spellflame chapter 21 . 3/11
kirosyamcha chapter 21 . 1/27
may have got teary eyes because of the ending so i blame you o.o
kirosyamcha chapter 15 . 1/26
the only issue i really have, and its small, is that ash doesnt really have anyone(human) that he is actually close to or has relationships with :(
kirosyamcha chapter 4 . 1/26
How many Pokémon does he currently have? I know it has to be a lot. But also I know he is an assistant but doesn’t he still have a Pokémon cap limit?
kirosyamcha chapter 3 . 1/26
You used dewgong or whatever it’s name is for both battles at the gym
kirosyamcha chapter 2 . 1/26
Awwwh what about poor misty
kirosyamcha chapter 1 . 1/26
I’m not really sure what version of Pokémon you are using, in the cartoon Pokémon just evolved when they were skilled enough
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