Reviews for Remember Me Not
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 3/3/2012
nice and sad
SNAPESSLOVE chapter 1 . 8/31/2009
Where's part 2 ? PLEASE write it soon!

-SNAPESLOVE- (That would be honoured to translate your fanfic, once it's done, in french, if you want :)
kicksomeass chapter 1 . 2/9/2005
Your writing flows so nicely! Your description of both Gilderoy and Severus were excellent. Good work!

Vertigo chapter 3 . 7/6/2003
I hope there's going to be more where that came from ... like what's going to happen in the meeting, how will SS & GL continue to interact... assuming poor Sevvy makes it back. It was a fun read so far.
Adara's Rose chapter 3 . 6/8/2003
This fic is SO good. I love it. I really hope I'll get to read another chapter before I go to England - that's next Tuesday...
wicked chapter 3 . 6/8/2003
I just wanted to write a note to encourage you to continue with this story. I can't find many Lockhart/Snape fics and I like the pairing. I think this is good so far. No incomprehensible or overly ooc moments. I think it might be good to add some more descriptions of the settings as a perfect mood can deliver more emotion punch. I think it would be an easy way to get Severus' mind set and Lockharts' shame across. I like it as is too. Keep writing on this.
Aeryn Alexander chapter 2 . 5/13/2003
The house elves were very cute, especially their names. This story is really interesting. I hope you post more of it soon.
Aeryn Alexander chapter 1 . 5/13/2003
Yay! Gilderoy Lockhart! Sorry ... Very interesting story so far. Rather dark-ish. Very cool.
DarkAngel53 chapter 1 . 5/8/2003
Very nice work on this one schiz. It seems that you have a natural talent for descriptive writing, keep it up. You should write a book of your own some day.
lil chapter 1 . 5/8/2003
This is really good!
Torny chapter 1 . 5/6/2003
A Snape/Lockhart fic? I'm intrigued. I read a Snape/Lockhart fic a few weeks ago and now I've been scouring the Net looking for more. This looks really promising - I enjoy your Lockhart, and I like the way you compared St. Mungo's to Azkaban, regarding its permanent inhabitants. "What diseased, sadistic mind could conceive it as a kindness to let such tormented

souls *live* after they've suffered so much?" Very interesting. Please continue with this - I'll be checking for updates!
Goggled Monkey chapter 1 . 5/6/2003
This is a very well done fic. Severus was nice without being OC a feat which is very hard to achieve (I know I can't) so bravo. The over all angsty feeling of the fic was great too. The part about Neville's mother really creeped me out. There will be more right? I really hope so.
Yuta chapter 1 . 5/6/2003
You know... im becomig a Snape/lockhart fan.. Dont kwo why, provably because it seems the kind of couple so NOT willing to ahppne... It makes me think in manga... Can you imagine anime-Snape being chased by anime-Lockheart? _
Catspook chapter 1 . 5/6/2003
This is great. Good Lockheart slashes are the best, and this is the first one I've found where he gets his memory back; so this one is origional as well as well written. I'll be waiting for the next chapter.