Reviews for Eyes
PurpleArrowhead chapter 1 . 6/3
the story had loads of emotion in it. just curious what the large mechas were
Santinos chapter 1 . 6/2
This story is creepy as all Hell. It still hurts worse than anything reading that Ruby had her eyes removed before she could even remember seeing anything.
ThisIsTori chapter 1 . 5/8
This story reminds me of Claymore a lot. Experiments of Grimm and people to create silver eyed warriors, the amazing strengths and feats of these people to combat an enemy that is a part of them; and of course, the tragic consequence of using their powers too much, becoming the monster they despise.
Claude Savagely chapter 1 . 3/26
That hurt to read. That last part where it says Ruby's eyes had been removed sent a spear through my heart.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/16
This gave me chills. Wow. I have always loved Lovecraftian horror (The idea, at least. Lovecraft's works make me laugh every time at the sheer racism present in them.) The concept of our own insignificance in the face of the Universe fascinates me, as does the idea that there are things and entities out there that we cannot comprehend. I recently found a short YouTube video that highlights this concept amazingly, called "White Walls" by Dead Sound. I highly recommend it.
Tori chapter 1 . 7/21/2019
My god. Please write this as a whole story. So much potential and an interesting premise.
xsvlp39 chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
Absolutely love it. I'm a big fan of Lovecraft and his works and this fits the tone, mood, and endings well. Sad to Ruby on the bad of end of this deal, but very well done regardless.
Edward4555 chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
The premise is interesting, but why didn't Summer do the same as Ruby?. Frankly, it makes her look really stupid.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
I wanted a story with Ruby conquering the world!
RevolutionIsRetribution chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
Dark and riveting a excellent salute to H.P. Lovecraft the story is so much like something he would write.
GrnDrgnzrd chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
Definitely going to the dark on this one. Looks intriguing. See you next chapter (?).
The Brightest Silver chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
I really hope that this is something you continue because I bloody love your style, and adding in Lovecraft? It's amazing.
gothboy.wxlf chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
I thought others were exaggerating but they weren’t! This was fucking great. Fantastic even!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
THAT. WAS. AMAZING! Is this a one-shot or a story? I'm hooked.
ShadowRock21 chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
So far I’m enthralled. This is a good start, it reminds me a lot of Claymore. Another series where the warriors that fight monsters become the monsters themselves. The idea of a blind Ruby and how she may fight is also interesting. What I’m not sure of is this Ruby getting into Beacon early or not? If not, then Team RWBY won’t be a thing early on I’m guessing.

Oh my lord what will you do to the other 4.
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