Reviews for Tom Riddle and the Quest for Dominance
TheTower1 chapter 18 . 8/4
You have it backwards again with the holidays Yule and Halloween are not Christian holidays. Christmas and all saints day were just placed on top of those holidays even the Christmas Tree was originally pagan and later they just made up the idea that it is Christian, like anyone would believe that worshiping a tree like the pagans and giving gifts would be a Christmas tradition. It is the same thing with Easter having nothing to do with eggs, which came from the pagan holiday. The real Christian tradition for those days was to go to Church and stay there praying the whole day and not celebrating the pagan holidays. Like that stopped anyone from doing so.
TheTower1 chapter 15 . 8/4
It is impossible that Tom does not know the importance of Samhain known to modern people as Halloween. The Christians later threw a bunch of made up holidays on all of the holidays worshiped by the pagans living in Britain and elsewhere. Easter and Christmas was thrown right on top and all saints day on November 1 was thrown on top of Samhain and so they just celebrated it the night before. There was a summer holiday that the Christians also replaced but we don’t celebrate midsummer anymore. Samhain is considered an extremely important holiday for magic, although franking they were all important for magic just in different ways. Christ was not born on December 25 and the day of Easter didn’t actually line up with his death and supposed revival either.
TheTower1 chapter 9 . 8/4
Tom should have learned from dark lord dumbledor about how Gryffindors makes better minions than slytherins who think for themselves. Minions who jump at the chance to do your bidding without thought are much better minions.
TheTower1 chapter 5 . 8/4
He just needs to learn how to have an eye twinkle wandlessly and he is set to becoming the greatest dark lord.
Arizeri chapter 8 . 7/8
“I suggest you change the gold and buy the company your uncle works in. That way you can threaten him with sacking if he ever again mistreats you." Tom can be fun
Arizeri chapter 4 . 7/8
Wow Tom, knowing you want to rule the world before you graduate highschool is really something. Im actually not sure if this makes him seem more or less mature. But its good that he is engaging in deep self reflection and actually changing himself, not just changing his plan, or he would make all new mistakes. Its true that Voldemort did some good, the purebloods were keeping the world stagnant. However to be fair the muggle world was stagnant for millennia itself, until slowly the renaissance and later industrial revolution, and the cultural gap leaves them a few decades separate. This is very interesting so far
TheOnlyKing chapter 30 . 6/5
Amazing fic, I've always wanted to read a fic about a competent Tom Riddle.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/15
Pretty sweet !
setokayba2n chapter 29 . 5/14
I for one noticed the D in Death... With Tom having the ring, he only need the invisibility cape and the wand and become the lord of death
Lord Asmodeus chapter 29 . 5/13
Utterly brilliant. I had thought the prophecy referred to our protagonist. He does tick the boxes referred to in the prophecy quite well, doubly so if one considers that it's those who strongly resist materialisation of a prophecy whom end up fulfilling them. Such seems to be the case for dear Tom.
This-Mickey-Seems-Iffy chapter 21 . 5/4
I don't how I feel about this. Even if he has compassion why would he care about killing some random muggles? What's next? Will he abandon his ambition and start living line Weasleys? Why would tom care about if he hurts any muggles for his own power? Yes, he might my start feeling compassion but it doesn't mean he would limit himself too stupid morals.
This-Mickey-Seems-Iffy chapter 13 . 5/3
I don't know, the theory he told everyone and them believing him so quickly seems far fetched.
This-Mickey-Seems-Iffy chapter 11 . 5/3
Hahaha good one! It
This-Mickey-Seems-Iffy chapter 9 . 5/3
Cool so far, however, tom should also make sure not to train his potential rivals too much e.g harry turning against him.
This-Mickey-Seems-Iffy chapter 7 . 5/3
Hope it isn't slash.
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