Reviews for Unsteady Precipice
Guest chapter 10 . 8/7
It's great! Looking forward more!
Hszhslaekkdjs cabclshsjw chapter 10 . 8/7
I hope your well. Update when you can. I love the idea and I know (because of all of your other stories) that this will be beautiful and filled with twist and turns. Keep it up.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/2
Please continue this story. I love the dynamic you’ve created between these two—a kind of nervous Bellatrix with an independent Hermione. Your writing is facinating and rich, thank you for sharing it with us!
Eva chapter 10 . 6/19
Omg what a plot twist
LunarMiko07 chapter 10 . 6/15
I love that they are gfs already. And wow...Harry?! Didn't see that coming.
Magic2488 chapter 10 . 6/13
This story has me hooked. I can't wait to see what happens next.
ArielApostolos chapter 10 . 5/31
First and foremost, this is amazing, but that's kind of what I've come to expect from you after reading your other works lol. This is a unique AU that I haven't seen before. It took me a small but if getting used to the daemons, but I gotta say I enjoy it immensely. That being said, this cliffhanger is going to keep me up all night! I hope you update soon, and that this reaches you well and in good health. Hopefully the pandemic hasn't negative effected your life too bad. Thank you again for your amazing fics!
adunavant98 chapter 10 . 5/20
It's so nice to see their relationship starting out, adorkable. Also, Harry? That puts a bit of a damper on things... See you next time c:
adunavant98 chapter 8 . 5/20
Aw, little Narcissa being macabre is fabulous haha, and so was the scene with the daemons playing. Thank you for the updates during the quarantine! Reading has been my main activity and you've been kind enough to help out in that regard. I hope you're staying safe, well wishes
AncientUrn chapter 10 . 5/14
That's it. I'm gonna get a contract with a pretty witch, and put that in the fine print. Another lovely chapter. Please update again soon!
croaker2003 chapter 10 . 5/12
Well, didn't see that coming
Fluttershy 2059123 chapter 10 . 5/11
WHAT?! Oh my goodness! I did not expect Harry of all people to be that person in the back! Wow, he’ll probably freak out, unless it’s not Harry and it’s actually his father who was told about Hermione by Dumbledore. So many possibilities. Great job with this story so far, keep up the great work!
Fluttershy 2059123 chapter 2 . 5/10
Oh my, that made me cry. Good job.
Fluttershy 2059123 chapter 1 . 5/10
Wow! I love this! Keep up the good work.
Mitchsen chapter 10 . 5/5
Omg I’m dead right now with the cliffhanger!
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