Reviews for Dragonball Z: Golden Age
thehappy chapter 4 . 9/24/2019
Nice! And Zangya lived! Loved that haymaker she gave Bojack
X3runner chapter 5 . 9/24/2019
It would be smart of trunks to probably bring gohan for both backup and so future bulma can say goodbye/have some closure the guy basically helped raise trunks and was the only z fighter that lasted and kept her any kind of company.
db7479 chapter 5 . 9/24/2019
I dint mind the hana saga. I wouldve liked to see where kt was going. Can u do some fanart of her? Also I love ur fanfiction. And givkng the bojack movie more love then it should
dragonmaycry12 chapter 5 . 9/24/2019
My vote for favorite pairing Gohan/Zangya/Android 18.
the.narr.master chapter 5 . 9/24/2019
Oh, wow. Thank goodness you chose to not go forward with the original. That all sounds so obnoxiously overcomplicated, it'd likely have been a bore to try and slog through.
And while magical girls would be hilarious, the leader being on par with a trained up, 7y later, ss2 gohan is beyond ridiculous. Since by that point gohan in ss2 should be at the very least stronger than canon, buu saga, ss3 goku.
Also, I really hope the asura thing does not happen.
Better to keep things simple.
Thanks for the chapter. Tah.
gwb620 chapter 5 . 9/24/2019
I’m glad you kept this chapter. As for your plans of the original, it honestly sounded pretty epic.
SuperSaiyanFever chapter 5 . 9/24/2019
A lesbian trying to seduce Videl? Now THAT I gotta see. Let's find out how far Gohan can take Videl Satan's abilities. This is going to be a lot of fun. It's rather interesting that Gowasu chose Zamasu as his successor to the position of Supreme Kai in Universe Ten because of his strength and not his compassion. Shin, Universe Seven's Supreme Kai, has the qualities of a proper a Supreme Kai, but never finished his training thanks to Majin Buu. That rendered him quite inept for all the time we see him. So you have an idea for Gohan's Ultimate Potential power, do you? He did mention in Dragon Ball Super that his goal was an ultimate form never see before. Let's see how it pans out.
RKF22 chapter 5 . 9/24/2019
Thanos69 chapter 5 . 9/24/2019
Enjoyed the story :'), Gohan should have exposed Satan but he didn't cause he is naïve :'/.
DbzpreteenGohanfan87 chapter 5 . 9/24/2019
Well, I for one am glad you're continuing to update this story and I'm very much looking forward to the Future Trunks Saga and it's buildup including any other changes you're going to make from the original version. This chapter was okay, it's the same version from the original version but there's nothing wrong with either the chapter itself nor the fact that it was already pre-written. I especially enjoyed the match with Mr. Satan, I always wanted to see what would've happened had Gohan gone to the end and faced Mr. Satan in the title match, I think you've gotten it the closest to right of anybody, ever. Though personally I prefer it when Mr. Satan get's his comeupance by being cleanly exposed, but I also don't see anything wrong with your more lighthearted approach. I also think Zangya's backstory is a nice touch. I think this is a very worthy edition to the Bojack Saga's history of storytelling and you continue to make stories that I enjoy. My feelings for your writings are well documented and THIS one is no exception. All's I can say is, continue the marvelous work.
nanox876 chapter 5 . 9/24/2019
Could you give a summary of the story you had planned involving the elves, alien tyrants, Ex-Gods of Destruction, bounty hunters and orphan saiyans?
Falvern chapter 2 . 9/24/2019
Am I the only one tired of Gohan/Videl? They're great in canon, but it's a shame to see authors waste potential other pairings due to wanting to preserve their canon relationship. And make no mistake, 9 out of 10 Gohan centric stories center on Gohan/Videl. Shit get's old to read after years of reading it. They're actually rather stale and boring at this point in my opinion. At least you're open to the possibility of different pairings, so that's something at least.
Shadow Tricked chapter 4 . 9/23/2019
The fact that i dont know the pairing and that you changed it from the original story you started is really killing this fic for me, if that makes sense? I was really enjoying the original other than the space elf stuff i felt that was a bit lame and kinda just pandering to horny preteens but other than all that it was a great fic. I was reading it as soon as i saw an update. Now i hesitate or push it away for a few days/weeks even.

I cannot stand zangya, i dont get the hype for a character that was barely even in a movie. To me zangya is just a OC in every story that the author gets to play with but regardless shes still an OC, she didnt really have a backstory or any real character that we could see other than being a pretty enemy, its boring and im not a fan of Main characters x OC's.

Gohan/Videl will always be my number 1 because they fit each other so well. Gohan/18 is a rare pair that you dont see often but honestly it could work and i would like to find a good story with that pair. This story was originally Gohan/Videl and thats what i liked about it. I cant read Gohan/Harem fics because its just so far out of character for him and im not into that kind of shit even in real life to be real. Like the alter age story you have going, i tried to read it but couldnt get through chapter 2, with gohan acting like a little caveman and stuff just not for me. thats not gohan thats an OC in his place.

at the end of the day though it is your story, so feel free to do it how ever you like, but please let us know if its gonna be gohan/videl, 18 or zangya or if its gonna be harem soon so that others like myself can know whether to stop reading it or not, thank you.
dragonfighter11 chapter 4 . 9/23/2019
Keep it Videl, shes the best pairing for gohan imo
Guest chapter 4 . 9/20/2019
Good job with the change. It is become even more realistic than the old version and of course the movie itself. I always quetioning the movie, why would bojack and his crew didn't finish off the earthling and trunks. That is just absurd
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