Reviews for For Paris is a Moveable Feast
Guest chapter 2 . 4/26
wow this is so beyond good
You should 100% write a story about those gaps in the stone...
frogedog chapter 10 . 2/25
I don't know how you CAN'T choke after a penultimate line like that, whether on a beverage or on fits of ridiculously loud laughter!
frogedog chapter 8 . 2/25
Who cares if it's cliche?! I LOVE an argument in the rain! Sometimes cliches exist for a reason, and in this case, it's because it really works to simultaneously deescalate the situation but kick the feelings up to 11
Guest chapter 12 . 2/23
LOVE this fanfic! You should really write one about their honeymoon in Paris. You're a wonderful writer and I'm sure it will be just perfect
JustAnotherKid007 chapter 12 . 11/19/2019
BRB while I find my wiiiiig. This was amazing omg. "It was just as she'd suspected in Paris: the dove and the sailor knew very different cages, but they were both caged nonetheless." WHO GAVE U THE RIGHTT TO BE SUCH AN AMAZING WRITER?! I loooooved this story so much and the way you described the characters. THANK YOU for writing them and adding believable, original personalities that one could actually visualise being said by each character. It was amazing and I really, really wish you would write more.
Ladykamira chapter 1 . 11/12/2019
What a beautifully written story. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful piece with us. You write the slow burn so good, and I love your take so much. I don’t know what to say except, this is PERFECT! 3
andhereweare chapter 12 . 10/18/2019
Will revisiting Paris involve Smug Georg paying a visit to Jacques the Termite?
augiesannie chapter 11 . 8/4/2019
“They made for such an unlikely pair, he mused, and yet they were similar in more ways that one.” This this this - a simple but perfect summary of what I love about M&G. Loved the parallels here about how well each has come to know the other. Great chapter, and I personally love when people build “missing moments” stories that end by neatly dropping us back into the movie, but I know from experience that fans of your story will want an epilogue, and I’m glad to see you obliged!
augiesannie chapter 12 . 8/4/2019
Oh, heavens, butcher away! I love the way you took the best of the gazebo scene and turned things around a bit. SOOO romantic and a little bit steamy. I also love thinking about that scenario where Maria stays even if she can’t marry him, I wrote a story about it in fact, which broke my heart even to write ... now it’s your turn to try!

I thought this plot point was a great place to put your epilogue, the perfect end to a wonderful story, thanks!
his-red-head chapter 12 . 8/3/2019
Y'all didn't butcher anything at all. This was an amazing epilogue and I really enjoyed reading it! xx
Tinklingboots chapter 12 . 8/3/2019
Hey thank you for an M & G kissing ending XD. I actually really liked how you took the original gazebo scene and made it into your own, and made it fit with your story. Its amazing how you can write so well, and so quickly! -xxx-
HugeJulieAndrewsFan chapter 11 . 8/3/2019
I would like to see the epilogue, but it's not here
AussieFicReader chapter 12 . 8/3/2019
nanajojo chapter 12 . 8/2/2019
Thank you for this wonderful story. I have enjoyed it very much. Great ending.
29TvG chapter 12 . 8/2/2019
A Perfect epilogue for the perfect story!
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