Reviews for Confundus
Ihatewhiteppl chapter 1 . 7/6/2019
HufflepuffBadger1978 chapter 2 . 7/6/2019
Marriage contract between Hermione and McLaggen is one way it can get worse for her.
WhenTheWorldEnded chapter 1 . 6/30/2019
lol, I think you might need to rewrite some parts. for a short fic it's hard to read, and filled with errors, stuff that doesn't make sense or made up words.

your characterization is all over the place, and it reads like you just got a bunch of made up characters talking to each other, rather than Harry Potter characters.

in future, try to proof read at least a little bit, and read stuff out loud as you go, it will help with the wording a bit.
Dark Dragon Tamer chapter 1 . 6/28/2019
This falls a bit more into the 'bashing' category than your previous fic.

As far as spelling and grammar. I read through it quite fast, so this probably isn't exhaustive(But if it didn't really stick out during a fast read, it wasn't too severe I reckon)
I'm not sure "illly" is a word. "He spoke ill about Ron" or "He spoke badly about Ron" would probably be better.
"Tight-lippedly" doesn't sound quite right either. Using "tight lipped" in the context of someone actually speaking doesn't seem right either. She can be tight lipped either before or after saying the sentence, but not while she says it.

Hermione just upfront dismissing something based on her own feelings and experiences is just classic. "Quidditch isn't a real career" indeed.

I'm not a good person for critically evaluating sentence structure and dialogue placement, sorry. But "She screamed, aghast at the development" and then "AHH! WHAT HAPPENED!" in the next para seems a little wonky to me.
Maybe ["WHAT HAPPENED?!", she screamed, aghast at the development] works better?

Was a fun read, all things considered!