Reviews for Bread and Oil
ElenaVitW chapter 1 . 1/21
Well, good for him it is a good of way to release himself and she caught him, no idea what it would be more impact on her to see this or him standing there and masturbating in the middle of the room The question is if she came to leave the ring from the start or she left it after what she saw?! This image would not leave her mind in both cases, well maybe if it was the second choice he still has a chance for her to return as she wants to be that doll poor Erik, still love him ️ well done with writing !
helloitskrisha chapter 1 . 12/13/2019
AHHHHH. Why have I only now seen this incredible phic? This is so so good, Cat! The first half of this story was actually so romantic haha. How tenderly and sweetly he treated the mannequin, feeding her and cleaning after her when she makes a mess. And my heart broke at all the words he made the mannequin say, everything he wished to hear from his living bride huhuhu. And then that maddening shift when he was actually imagining the mannequin taunting him, comparing him to Raoul. Even in his fantasies, Christine still resents him :'c

My poor, unhappy Erik. I want to give him a hug so badly.

AND THEN THAT ENDING. I CANNOT EVEN WITH THIS. I can just imagine how traumatized (or, dare I imagine, turned on? hahaha) Christine might have been when she saw him with the doll ahaha.

I LOVE THIS, CAT. I love all your works that I've read but I think this one may be my favorite so far! (I'll read and review all of your other phics soon ahaha)
Not A Ghost3 chapter 1 . 6/30/2019
That ending! Ah man, that was very clever and sad, and now I wanna cry!
epwhales chapter 1 . 6/27/2019
oOOF that ending!
kwat0 chapter 1 . 6/26/2019
I love how far you take these fics! He's so caught up in his own deluded fantasy he doesn't even register she's really there! I got to the end and was going, mentally, oh no! OH NOOO! AAAAAHHHHHH! you have a gift XD
ilustrariane-the fic reader chapter 1 . 6/24/2019
holyyy shit. that waa really her? she is traumatized or horny for life!
Riene chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
Oh, what an ending. Did she see or did she not? That question will torment Erik for a while. Great back and forth here in his thoughts as he fantasizes in his despair and madness and desperation.
Write-ABC chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
Oh wow I missed the line of “where it had not been before...” so humiliating but as always great job getting us there.
ArtemisBare chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
Omg that ending. Are you implying she saw him with the doll? I'm certainly taking it that way. I was prepared for the rest but wow that last thought and my own dawning mental horror was great.
MarilynKC chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
Poor Erik just can't catch a break!
tasteofthebitchpudding chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
Oh SHIT, that ending! I am SO CONFLICTED, because I love your Tristan, but I think I love this more! The dialogue here is breathtaking in it's sadness, the parroting of words he wants to hear, needs to hear, devolving to "her" tormentingly comparing him to all that he is not and will not ever be or have-it's heartbreaking that even his fantasy is corrupted by his actions. The punishment, followed swiftly by the careful readjustment of his fantasy, the culmination of everything he's dreamed of AND THEN! She was there! She was there, and what a brilliant, horrible turn of events! Was she there to truly return? Just to leave the ring? Will he always wonder? LOVE this!
jennyfair chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
GAH this is so intense! Thank you so much for writing & sharing it! I can definitely see Erik vacillating between what he would want to hear Christine say/what he would expect her to say in his self-loathing/what he would want to say to her in his rage and grief of losing her. And that ending :O I am feeding off all the lovely angst because I am cruel!
Write-ABC chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
Oh so sad... but lol I imagined real Christine walking in and Erik trying to explain himself.
FilthyBonnet chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
I loved this so much. How it was sad, dark and funny all at the same time. It's a wonderful fantasy for your Erik until the need for lubrication brings him back to biting reality and I like how pathetic and desperate it becomes. Stay explicit, my edgelord.
Maze-zen chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
My God, this was so smutty and angsty that I don't even know what to feel. Hot or sad? And I laughed several times like when Christine, the poor dear, was completely overcome.

Great mannequin phic. I think I have a thing for her as well now.