Reviews for One Question
commanderbog chapter 1 . 6/29/2019
"Okay Akane, I get the picture." LOL We do too, Ranma! (Sounds a lot like something he'd say, lol).

I think that is a valid reason to write this story. I'm so sorry to hear that about the author. Things published in 1997 should still be archived! I'm sure it was a troubling loss. I felt that you portrayed Ranma and Akane with great accuracy in this story! I enjoyed reading it.
Weird Beard chapter 1 . 6/29/2019
If you hunt around at jusenko dot fandom dot com, you can find cached archives of both stories.
Also, I’m not sure about the site’s official policy regarding this stuff, but I’ve seen a couple accounts here dedicated to reposting “lost” stories. Maybe they’d be interested in adding them, if it’s not frowned upon?
kana chapter 1 . 6/27/2019
I have always loved this fandom. Since I was 13. It's been 15 years since I loved it and reading your fic made me realize again why I do. Thank you.
sjofnj chapter 1 . 6/26/2019
Hace muchos años atrás cerraron el lugar, probablemente más importante de publicación de fics en español y una parte de todos los que formamos parte de esa comunidad, muchas veces (anónimamente) perdimos algo. Es increíble como después de muchos años sigo buscando algunas historias que leí allí y que hoy no se encuentran en ningún sitio y eran verdaderas obras de arte. Entiendo tu punto y ojala nunca sucediera. Muchos saludos desde Chile, espero seguir leyéndolo.
Richard Ryley chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
Love it or hate it, I don't think anyone will ever forget "The Bitter End". It is too deeply engrained in the fandom. One way or another, most of the tropes assigned to "psycho Akane" can trace their origin back to that fanfic.

"The Bitter End" is exceptional for what it purports to be, a story about the problem of spousal abuse. Unfortunately, it tells only one side of the story. For the other side, I would suggest "Ill Met By Starlight". Both can serve as a warning of what could be, and as you say, all Ranma and Akane really need to do to avoid that fate is do a little growing up.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/20/2019
I personally feel that "The Bitter End" is one of the most destructive things ever to happen to Ranma fandom. That said, as an historian I generally want to see as much information - especially works of creative expression - preserved as possible regardless of my opinion of the material in question. It all has some measure of value, as it was made by human beings.
James Birdsong chapter 1 . 6/20/2019
Nice story!