Reviews for Providence: A Pemberley Tale
Colleen S chapter 29 . 7/17
Brilliant story!
Kelly McGregor chapter 29 . 7/18
What a heart wrench... “I shall write it doing for you then”.
nanciellenjuno chapter 29 . 7/15
Such a fantastic chapter to a wonderful take. Thank you so very much. Wishing you health and happiness.
Jansfamily4 chapter 29 . 7/16
That was sweet! Once he cleared his thick head, that is.
suddenlysingle chapter 29 . 7/15
I have spent the last half hour trying to put into words my reaction to 29. Sometimes your writing is so intense it overwhelms me. What a powerful chapter!

Elizabeth's assessment of the ties that bind Thornhaugh and Darcy was incredibly compelling and perceptive. She wasn’t able to convince Darcy of the truth, but Thornhaugh did. His vivid recollection of Darcy's dance of defiance at Almack's was fascinating. Darcy couldn't miss the impact it had on Thornhaugh; it appeared to have affected him almost as much as it did Darcy. Thornhaugh admires men with the courage to stand up for their principles. In Darcy he found a paragon worthy of his esteem.

But I don’t understand one thing. Did John ask Darcy to remove Thornhaugh from Pemberley out of concern that Thornhaugh would attempt to kill their father?
janashe chapter 29 . 7/15
WOW! just .. WOW!
JRTT chapter 29 . 7/15
Heart stopping. (Sigh)
Carolineonestop chapter 29 . 7/14
Darcy cant remember saying those beautiful words about his wife? Well he needs to repeat them to her now. How long had it been. 10 years ago? Glad they made up after their argument
liysyl chapter 29 . 7/14
Wow what a great chapter. The Darcy's have quite the dilemma. Thanks for sharing your twist.
Carolineonestop chapter 28 . 6/29
Powerful content in this chapter.
liysyl chapter 28 . 6/29
Great chapter I enjoyed the interactions between Thornhaugh the pastor and Baxter. Thanks for sharing your twist.
nanciellen chapter 28 . 6/29
I find Thornhaugh very amusing at times. He tries not to display it but there is a goodness in him. Depravity and violence win out most of the time. Poor little 'Mr. Wickham'. I can sense that his father grew up with feelings of inferiority as well. Thank you.
handansultan chapter 28 . 6/29
I have been following this fic since the beginning but I think I've never left a comment (I really don't know why, it is truly a great fic). As always, this chapter is wonderful. I find Thornhaugh to be a very interesting character. He is not so evil as people make him to be yet he is not deceived by society and the world he lives in. He knows that life is not always fair and I find him very refreshing considering other characters (like the Darcys) who, as much as I love them, think that everyone is as good as they are or at least believe that everyone holds themselves to the same standards as them. I also love the relationship between Thornhaugh and the children (especially George and Malcolm). I think they bring out a softer side in him. Anyway, great chapter! Looking forward to the next one. Hopefully we'll find out the secret the Russells told Elizabeth and Darcy!
Jansfamily4 chapter 27 . 6/22
Thornbaugh is such a depressed man. And Malcolm sees the best in him.
Thank you for another chapter.
Leslie E chapter 27 . 6/12
Oops ! Didn't quite make a clean getaway ! Keep up the great work and stay safe!
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