Reviews for The Jisatsu Experiment
Guest chapter 3 . 11/7/2019
Very interesting. I'm pretty convinced that Katashi is Shinichi. It seems to point to that conclusion especially in this chapter. I figure he is doing this to solve that kidnapping case which obviously Ayumi is involved in. I also looked up the meaning of Jisatsu and man did that make me very curious in how this story progresses. Looking forward to more.
JE96 chapter 3 . 10/14/2019
Yes a new update!
Just so you know, I will be reviewing each chapter that comes out. I am always keeping an eye out on new Detective Conan stories, especially ones that involve Ayumi. I’m pretty sure you have figured out that Ayumi is my favorite Detective Conan character from my last review. I really hope Ayumi will get a good ending by the time Detective Conan is over.
Anyways, enough of my rambling, time for the story review. I wonder who’s the guy in the beginning of the story? I am pretty sure he is the suspect, but I still wonder who could it be. Is it an OC or a character from the Detective Conan universe? I really love the banter that Ayumi has with her friends. I wonder what’s up with Katashi when his father mentioned Shinichi and Kogoro? And what’s up with Shinichi being overly protective, I mean Ayumi is 18 now she should be able to handle herself.
I think I wrote too much LOL. Hope you don’t mind.
JE96 chapter 2 . 10/10/2019
Oh my gosh you updated!
I can’t wait to see where this mystery is going to go. I really love stories where Ayumi is the main focus of the story. Although, I can’t wait until the rest of the original cast comes in. I would love to see more of Ai and Shinichi’s thoughts and feelings about what has happened in the past 10 years.
I really love the story. I really hope you keep updating.
Ichigo Kitsune-chan chapter 2 . 10/7/2019
Ahshshhs you're back to this fandom~ 333
I'm so happy ;v;

I'm sorry that I can't write long comments, but I'll be waiting for updates~ 3333
Thank you for updating this~ And I hope you have a great day~ 'w')/
JE96 chapter 1 . 9/22/2019
Yes FINALLY! It’s been so long since you wrote a detective Conan story, but you’re finally back! I can’t wait to see what happens next! Also if one day you decide to finish the unfinished Detective Conan stories, just so you know I will be reading. Is the story going to involve the black organization? Also did Ai took the antidote or they know who she is? So many questions.
Lu-chan 16Love chapter 1 . 6/15/2019
This is very interesting! I wonder who that person watching Ayumi? I hope I can read more! I'm super excited to know what happens next. The synopsis intrigued me!