Reviews for Hoodwinked
Guest chapter 34 . 7/13
I've just read all 34 chapters in one have crafted a beautifully human story with loveable characters and sexy banter. I'm so happy to have discovered this fic and will be reading until you complete it (and then bookmarking it to revisit in the future). Thank you!
sheselectric1 chapter 34 . 7/8
️️️ wow amazing brilliant xx
BB Masen-Cullen chapter 34 . 7/8
Eek! Loved the chapter and can't wait till the next one!
mommymac0508 chapter 34 . 7/6
Holy snap what happened I need to know
KDMCAM chapter 34 . 7/6
I have missed this story soooo much! So glad they are talking to you again! I’m very excited that chapter 35 is almost done! I’m desperately dying to know what that memory is.
acw1 chapter 34 . 7/5
Guest chapter 34 . 7/4
Thank you. Glad to see them back :)
mysticfighter111 chapter 34 . 7/5
Awesome. Can't wait.
Finally have an account chapter 34 . 7/4
I was just thinking of this story and hoping it wasn't being abandoned. Wow what a cliffie tho! I'm dying to know. Were they Edward's last word's to his mother? It's all so heartbreaking.
Janis Joplin76 chapter 34 . 7/4
Ah damn whatever Bella remembers sounds intense. Can't wait for more.
Mary Jane 000 chapter 34 . 7/4
She finally remembers! Yay! Now we just have to wait to find out what it is. Please update soon! I adore these two crazy kids and their banter!
DMBSJB18 chapter 1 . 7/4
As I’ve thought about this a little more, i feel that Edward is emotionally abusing Bella. He’s manipulative and degrades her, a lot. Bella is slightly whiny and immature (seriously, who is in a relationship for 9 months and never kisses with tongue?!) but it is really no excuse for how Edward treats her. I really really hope to see improvement in this. If Bella were anyone I knew, I’d be telling them to run for the hills, especially after the things he said to her after the dinner with Carlisle. That was terrible. But because this is Bella and Edward, we do seem to over look a lot of things and hope that they end up together. So here’s to really hoping that Edward stops being an emotionally abusive boyfriend.
DMBSJB18 chapter 34 . 7/4
Just found this story and can’t wait for more. Though I think Edward is pretty toxic right now, not in a good place to be a boyfriend- I’m excited to see these two figure all their shiz out. I can’t imagine being in a relationship where they are both so rude to each other- but I guess I’d they’re both ok with it *shrug*
I’m also curious as to why Edward never pursued Bella, at all. Why he was able to stay with Lauren for two years. And, if he was so *picky* about who he slept with, how he ended up losing his virginity to someone he just met.
He also confuses the crap out of me, because every now and then he says something about how he always has loved Bella, but he sure as crud doesn’t act like it. He calls her a child, and the fact that he wouldn’t stop calling her virgin was actually super rude.
Anyways, I really do like the story, and when e and b are cute, they’re really cute. When e is serious, he can be sweet. But that has happened so rarely- I crave more.
Isao84 chapter 34 . 7/4
She remembers! Thank God!
archy12 chapter 34 . 7/4
It makes sense that an old memory turned up in a dream. Both are related to the subconscious mind.
Sounds quite serious though, and sad.
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