Reviews for Behind the Mask
Guest chapter 3 . 8/3
I need more, for I am ever thirsting.
KOTHP5532 chapter 3 . 7/2
Damn fine work. This story feels organic, precisely because it and the characters grew along with you as you wrote it.

Also, you did a great job on the "mechanics", all your notes really paid off.
Ardent and Unbound chapter 3 . 6/21
A fantastic read! I was however, a little disappointed by the ending. While I understand the ending, it seemed like there is more to tell. If you ever decide to continue, I for one would enjoy it immensely.
jetjedi chapter 1 . 6/11
Nice work
St4nhop3 chapter 3 . 3/22
I picked this up and couldn't put it down until it's done. This is great. Utterly heretical, but great XD

Jokes aside, I fucking love the chemistry you managed to create between Qin and Iselyth. I love the subtle change of Qin referring to Iselyth first as an "it", then "her", and then finally by her given name. Very subtle.

You managed to develop their characters in every sex scene they were in and I loved it. I tire from sex scenes that just feel flatline, and make me goAlright, alright, just get on with it!" But over here there's spikes and valleys all over the place.

I do wonder if Qin left more than just memories to Iselyth, considering the amount of bodily fluids they shared with another. There's the old fluff about Human-Eldar hybrids to consider. I do think it's unlikely, but this is 40k, stranger things have happened. I...hope that the next time they meet would would carry with it an answer to that question.

One criticism I would give is that I find it hard to follow who's talking to whom without "he said, she said". I seem to notice that with quite a few I've read. Dunno if that's just me though.

Keep up the great work!
DariusPogchamp chapter 2 . 2/25
First things first Marines were made artificially sterile so that the Imperium can control their population

Second up: do you really believe that two mutually alien lifeforms can have children?
ZE GOD HAND chapter 3 . 1/19
This was so fucking epic!Pls continue.
Thinker90 chapter 3 . 11/26/2019
The sex scenes are great and all but it was the ending third of the story that I really liked. I really want to see Qin rebuild his chapter and how Iselyth will cross paths with him again. A quality work this one.
Jadex Imperia chapter 3 . 11/13/2019
and is isyleth pregnant? Because complared to regular semen, this is Space marine semen which is more potent and fertile as a space marine can copulate but the drive is not there, so yeah?
Jadex Imperia chapter 3 . 11/12/2019
any chance you could turn this into a story? is qin chapter still alive and will be interesting if they meet again
Reaver96 chapter 1 . 10/14/2019
Keep up the good work man. One of the best stories I've read.
VulkanLives chapter 1 . 10/8/2019
I absolutely love this story, your writing is some of the most coherent I've seen on the site, please write more:)
Dr.manchester chapter 3 . 8/30/2019
I love your story. Please write anothrr story of these two
FinalReason chapter 3 . 8/3/2019
Wonderful Story. I hope you write more of these two
DJatomica69 chapter 2 . 6/2/2019
Good to see some more Eldar/Human centric stories popping up, and well written ones at that. Nice work!
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