Reviews for Indelible
AleciaB chapter 1 . 2/15
You must love you wife they way you express emotions. That is really sweet.
Deb838 chapter 30 . 2/9

And thank you!

Thank you for all your beautiful words overs the years.
Deb838 chapter 29 . 2/9
And reading this... I cried
Deb838 chapter 28 . 2/9
Aww, I like to think of them like this...
LanguageXLover chapter 30 . 2/8
I had my iPad charging as I was reading but I unplugged for safety. I was worried all the water leaking out of my eyes might actually lead to my electrocution.

Thank you for this awesomeness. Continuing the story of Caskett is a gift to all of us and one which I feel very privileged and grateful to have received. Please keep sharing your words and your amazing talent with us.
wagemann chapter 30 . 2/7
Thank you so much for this words. Showing how strong love can be.
vaso.caskett chapter 30 . 2/7
What a great journey! What a great ending!

I'm crying but the good kind. Thank you for bringing us this wonderful story.

Till the next adventures ;)
Guest chapter 30 . 2/5
This was so beautiful and I'm glad you gave them the life together they deserved.
MsNYC chapter 30 . 2/4
Tear jerker!
Guest chapter 30 . 2/4
Thank you for this beautifully written journey of Rick and Kate. I enjoyed it and hope to see more Castle stories from you in the near future. Your works make my day brighter.
Castle4Eva chapter 30 . 2/4
Thank you for this wonderful series, and for seeing it through to the end. I am hoping you have a new Castle story in the works. I will keep myself busy rereading Spiral Bound in the meantime. Hope to read you soon!
Castle4Eva chapter 29 . 2/4
It was with some trepidation that I read this chapter; character death involving Caskett is horrible for me to even think about. You made it bearable, and surprised me that it was Kate who went first (although how would the premise continue if it was Castle). On to the final chapter...
blodi52 chapter 30 . 2/4
Great story,touching and amazing! ( I'm crying!) Thanks!
Guest chapter 29 . 2/4
I cried over lunch rereading this but I couldn’t talk myself out of not reading it a second time.
steph65 chapter 30 . 2/4
That was an AMAZING story, beautifully written. And NOOOO, I've not cried reading the two last was just because... dust in my eyes! :)
Thank you so much. Always.
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