Reviews for Crystal Swan
Jasp chapter 2 . 1/7
PLEASE UPDATE... i didnt know how much i needed this until now
Violet Rose of Darkness chapter 2 . 12/14/2019
This... is better than I expected it to be.

Really, though. I'm really digging what you've got so far. I love how you've written these characters, Rose especially. I'm not sure if my headcanon about Emma having been abused throughout her life agrees with what you've got here, but I feel like Rose could definitely relate to that. Her abuse from the other Diamonds can help her connect with Emma. I also really love how salty Pearl is and how in-character you have Emma, Greg, Vidalia, Amethyst, and Garnet. Everything I've seen from both shows matches here.

I do wonder though, how much does Garnet see surrounding Emma? I know that her vision ties directly to her knowledge of things around her and how probable that particular situation is. Does she know about Storybrooke and Emma's parents and Regina?

Another thing: Will Henry be born? Emma met Neal at 17 because she was running away from the system. But now that she has a home, will they ever meet? Also, what about Steven? Now that Rose has Emma and can therefore be a mother without giving her form up, will she even have him? So many questions.

Anyway, you're doing a great job so far and I can't wait until the next chapter! Keep up the great work!
Fantasy-Mania31 chapter 2 . 9/18/2019
Looking forward to more! Great idea :D
foxchick1 chapter 2 . 9/9/2019
This is an adorable chapter, I hope Pearl gives Emma a chance, Amethyst and Emma being like sisters will be awesome, and I wonder if Garnet knows more but won't say, Love this fic.
ZainR chapter 2 . 9/8/2019
Thank you Caroline for such a wonderful birthday treat! I'm glad to see Emma fitting in at Beach City and now the temple! She so deserves this! Aww Pearl! Give her a chance!
And i love Emmethyst already! I knew they'd be great friends! And her and Vidalia being like sisters was sweet! And i love Garnet referencing her as a princess but Emma convinced she meant it.
Gosh, i was afraid Emma would be scared off. Glad i was wrong!
Anyways i love this chapter! Thank you for the present!
Nick Foolery chapter 2 . 9/8/2019
Hey, me and your bud Zain are birthday buddies!
foxchick1 chapter 1 . 6/3/2019
Curious to see what happens next.
FollowerOfAnhamirak chapter 1 . 5/20/2019
Just read your chapter. Hope I get to see more of the story. The plot seems like it could go really well.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/20/2019
Every moment with Emma and Rose meant everything to me. I could even imagine Rose talking to me the way she was with Emma! I can't wait for more of this!