Reviews for You're Mine
Guest chapter 10 . 8/8
Bi-try is the best character
ThatOneShadyGuy chapter 17 . 3/30
Corona virus is everywhere, you got time to continue this fic? I absolutely love it.
Babyfaberry99 chapter 17 . 3/23
Why did you stop updating?
fabrayctrl chapter 17 . 2/27
They're so painfully adorable i can't handle and Rachel hornet 24/7 is so damn funny!
vicky324 chapter 17 . 2/7
I miss this fic so much
Guest chapter 17 . 1/27
Keep going with these store
TimeClockz chapter 6 . 12/26/2019
Okay I was not ready for the song. I am in tears
Chair chair chapter 17 . 12/8/2019
Can you please write some more chapters like you said you would, and just finish off the story like fr dont just leave it uncompleted it just kinda annoying when that happens. Please and thank you.
Charity chapter 17 . 11/11/2019
Update PLEASE!
Charity Mollett chapter 17 . 10/21/2019
Why haven’t you updated?
Harley Quinn Davidson chapter 17 . 10/19/2019
Love the story and can not wait for more.
malexfaith chapter 17 . 9/5/2019
Always take time for yourself, and write because you enjoy it. Not because you promised deadlines. Most big time novels take years and years to write. Now I'm not saying take years cause god knows I have no patience, but you need to be happy with you and with writing so you don't, as you said 'kill this fic".
Great flow as always, fun to read. Thanks heaps for sharing
wkgreen chapter 17 . 9/3/2019
Hope you got good classes. :)

Awesome chapter! Loved seeing Rachel being supportive and protective of Quinn. :)

Looking forward to reading more :)
Sobe29 chapter 17 . 9/3/2019
Aww, cute and fluffy Faberry. Love it! I’m glad there’s still some drama with Finn to move the story along. And thanks for updating whenever you can!
MaxximumRide666 chapter 17 . 9/3/2019
Firstly, what's with the Nicki hate?! Rude!

Secondly, you are a beast for getting out such beautiful and well written, and might I add long, chapters every week. Give yourself a break. Focus on you, cos you're important and without you there ain't no story, so we'll be patient )

I'm sure I've said it before but i'ma say it again, i am thoroughly enjoying this story and am totally in love with it! You are fantastic and badass. Keep on keeping on, my friend! Look after yourself and do what you gotta.

Sending many good vibes and creative thoughts your way. You know where i am if you do need owt - just wanted to offer )
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