Reviews for Dream Theory
Soul of Horus chapter 22 . 4/20
You know, I stayed up until 5:30 AM, by the time this is posted that is, and I cannot believe the last line. So simple but with all the talk about conspiracy theories and stuff like that, you made me wonder that what if and I don’t know how to feel about that, ok?

Very well done, properly thought out, personally got confused at some points (rereading got the point across, nothing to do with your writing, my brain was lagging behind because I’m tired) and to top it all off, I could imagine this entire scenario, Ruby being the tech wizard she is, Weiss being the attorney we know she can be, Blake being the mysterious one, like normal, and Yang the detective.

I don’t see AU’s often and that’s because well, that’s what it is. A universe based on the author’s mind. The plot, the character development, the setting, all of it is super important and crucial to the overall story. I’ve just been searching for RWBY stories to read because I plan on making one, not as elaborate as this, but it’s on the drawing board.

So, to the author, fantastic f**king job at breaking my mind and making me slightly worried about falling asleep because of being sucked into a reality that isn’t actually real. (Hindsight, probably should have expected it when the name of the story was called ‘Dream Theory’)

P.S I love the WhiteRose Bumblebee (BumbleBY?) ships. Always interesting to see an author’s take on the ships.
pistingyawa07 chapter 22 . 12/18/2019
This fic is, to describe it in one word, a masterpiece.. or two words, rather. The way you set up the timeline of events, the dialog, and how the characters interacted is amazing, and the suspense and emotion that I felt was surprising, considering the amount of fics that I've read which didn't have the "level of being a novel" such as yours, for lack of a better word. In short, your story was awesome, and I truly would like to see a sequel or even at least a concrete conclusion to this story, as per your cliffhanger ending. I hope to see more of your works, either related to Dream Theory or not. Thank you for creating a wonderful piece of art to share with the world. :

Blackwat3r chapter 22 . 11/1/2019
Why would you add that last line? In all seriousness great read, I almost teared up a few times and really was sucked into those dream sequences. Can't wait for what you do next.
behnbailey chapter 22 . 10/20/2019
1) Damn, Weiss. Ruby is wrapped around your finger.
2) Please don't be a dream ...
Firestar001 chapter 22 . 10/18/2019
Oh man this was AMAZING! I just can’t describe how awesome it was to read it all. Normally I don’t read AU stories but this caught my eye. And I’m so very glad it did. I hope the rest of your stories are as interesting as this.
Otaku61801 chapter 22 . 10/17/2019
Is there gonna be a possible 2nd story?
jonj1762 chapter 22 . 10/14/2019
Wow! This is a great place to end part 1. But , that means there would have to be a part 2. Thia story has such great saga potential. Again you have done a great job and I will continue to look forward to seeing new endeavors from you!
KaiLancer chapter 22 . 10/13/2019
This has been one heck of a roller coaster. Great job on the story and can't wait to see what's next.
GrnDrgnzrd chapter 22 . 10/12/2019
When Weiss first entertained the idea of resigning from her firm, I figured this was a possibility. The question was a wonderful surprise, too. Team RWBY, saving the world one case at a time. With a dash of existential worries. Lol. Awesome story. Thank you, again. See you next time.
Shadow15951 chapter 22 . 10/12/2019
What a great way to wrap up, all working together properly now, working on a new lead, and Weiss ready to propose, too! It's wonderful! Of course I also hate that it's ending, because I absolutely want more of this universe, and especially more of White Rose here. I know they're the secondary focus, but I just can't help but love this Ruby. Really though I love the way you wrote all four of them, and I loved the idea for the story and setting as soon as I read it.

Thank you for another superb story!

Oh, but now the only two stories I'd followed that updated on a nice regular basis have wrapped up within a day of each other. Ugh, thats gonna be an unfortunate wait without. Makes me even more eager for your next work!
Skylenerys chapter 22 . 10/12/2019
Man, this was an incredible read that really made you *think* while reading it. I have a huge love/hate relationship with it lmao. I could never trust it and it was so annoying but great.
RandomWriterPerson chapter 21 . 10/10/2019
Wow, that was one hell of a ride.
It feels finished and complete with this chapter, Well for this arc at least.
This kinda ending just SCREAMS "T.B.C. in Sequel!"

In fact I would think that this needs a sequel, or even a Trilogy to wrap up the whole shebang with the conspiracy that goes way deeper and darker into politics and powerful figures at the top, who knows. I think the cabinet at the top of every country in the world is compromised. LOL

And I would love to see what Weiss gets up to next. High chance she'll probably side as a legal consultant for the police as she was, IS still one of The Most well-known sharks they are acquainted with. But I'd like to see what she plans to do next, she's definitely not someone who would just sit around and retire early. Even if she has enough money to do so for several lifetimes.

... Unless... you're actually just gonna continue everything here then you can ignore everything I just wrote up there.
Energywelder chapter 21 . 10/5/2019
Afrolegion chapter 1 . 10/5/2019
Love the story and keep up the great work with all your other ones as well!
Otaku61801 chapter 21 . 10/6/2019
So cute :)
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