Reviews for have i told you lately?
Natters chapter 1 . 1/5
Aww, cute
BrokenAngelWings83 chapter 1 . 7/3/2019
you're the best! such a cute and fuzzy warm ficlet. I loved it.
Patougv chapter 1 . 6/28/2019
Yes, he said the words! Good job, as always...
OnlyHere4Puckabrina chapter 1 . 5/10/2019
Oh, wow. That is SO beautiful. Especially Lucifer admitting that he loves Trixie XD
Devil'sMiracle17 chapter 1 . 5/9/2019
I'm sorry for being a little late with my review! I was too focused on Lucifer S4 being released (and the cast's live Twitter party!) to be able to even think about anything else, and after I watched the first episode, my internet decided to drop. I've been unable to watch any more episodes or read the rest of your stories in this series (spotty WiFi won't even let me open them!) so I'm getting to them all as quickly as my internet will allow. So, I assure you, I'll get to them the moment I can, and I sincerely hope this review goes through.

This really did feel like a love letter to your readers, particularly due to the thematic link to this piece's plot (and the plot summary was precious!). This story was incredibly amusing, tender, and adorable, allowing the reader to walk away feeling happy and light. You're also quite adept at invoking intrigue, as I was quite curious as to why Lucifer was staring at Chloe so much (before you enlightened us, of course), just like Dan and Ella were. Your pacing, dialogue, descriptions, and all that jazz where as amazing as always, as was your characterization. I only heap praise upon praise of your characterization because you are legitimately a boss at it! Just the way you wrote Lucifer as being nervous to tell Chloe that he loves her was so believable, and I adored how he was so transparent in his staring that Chloe could see it. The scene with Chloe, Ella and Dan was terrific, and you wrote their relationship dynamics splendidly, with Ella being rather oblivious (as she usually is to Deckerstar) yet Dan as more perceptive (not like it's hard when Lucifer is openly staring, but still!). I'm so stoked that you're now writing Douchifer (yay, dam broken!), and I will gladly accept responsibility for inspiring you to even tackle it (so I will be expecting more in the future, hahaha)! Yes, you absolutely nailed Dan's characterization in this story. He was very much in character, particularly in how you wrote that "he flits in", which is exactly what Dan does! Also, you captured his genuine curiosity about Lucifer very authentically, so that's an added bonus!

You set up such a gorgeous domestic scene with Lucifer and the Deckers, complete with wonderful descriptions (like how he brings groceries to their place!). I adored that line about how the Deckers had an aversion to pineapple only because it riled Lucifer up that much, which I could definitely see happen because both ladies are quite cheeky. Plot wise, I loved nothing more than how Lucifer accidentally told them that he loved them; Chloe and Trixie. You wrote that scene so flawlessly - how he didn't notice what he said because it was just true and real to him (I melted!), how Trixie reacted, completely stunned and awed by his casual admission of love for them, Chloe's knowing wink in response, and the Deckers' silent agreement his slip to themselves (because Chloe knows how important it is to him for him to tell her/them consciously in his own way). It was so fluffy and wonderful! Of course, you had to amp up the cuteness factor with that final Deckerstar scene, when she tells him that she loves him too, and is happy to wait for him to say it to her when he's ready because it's important to him. It's just so tender and heart-achingly beautiful.

Oh no, is this going to be the last author's note I'm going to get to respond to?! I didn't recognize it until you said it, but it does feel like old-time pen pals, and I'm going to miss this too, but how amazing is the memory? I'm not sure what to do without this routine anymore, but at least I have two more to read and review, so I can't get too sad about it yet (but yes, we will probably be crying about Lucifer S4). Thank you for all your kind words and for all your time; I'm finding it impossible to convey how much this experience with you has meant to me, so I hope that somewhere deep down, you just know. Are you kidding?! I'm blown away! Thank you for Salt and Pepper, and for telling me that every word was written with me in mind (and that you did Douchifer for me!) because I feel that when I read it, but it just feels extra real and concrete to see you write it. I'll admit that I'm a little glad that you were a mess too after reading that review because that means you felt a little bit of what you made me feel. Hahaha, I think my review for Salt and Pepper may be a tad too large to be embossed on your grave (and perhaps somewhat inappropriate), but I appreciate the gesture. I couldn't control myself when I was reviewing it, so it's not surprising (but it is incredibly sweet!) that you could feel my enthusiasm and hear my voice that tangibly! It's honestly the best gift, and no matter how depressing S4 gets, I'll have that pocket of sunshine to brighten my darkest days. So, my dear, it is you who is the star.
SPCLjmm chapter 1 . 5/7/2019
Thank you! It’ll help as I watch Season 4!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/7/2019
I loved it please continue
Mad Hat Dragon chapter 1 . 5/7/2019
Ahhhh! Loved this one! So so so excited for season four! One more day is way too long in my opinion! I will admit I was slightly confused on this one but I loved it all the same! Happy writing!
Cathy Sullins chapter 1 . 5/7/2019
Very good
Agusai chapter 1 . 5/7/2019
Soooo cute! Love it and hope to hear from you soon!