Reviews for if my heart's a grenade
Guest chapter 8 . 7/2
Ooo I was waiting for a make out session when she was standing between his knees hehe
Loved it please update soon
laisevero chapter 8 . 7/3
Oh my god I’m so happy everytime you update! I almost dont wanna read, trying make this last longer
I almost die when Hak leave this marks on Yona, so I can only imagine how they feel. I’m glad Yona is getting more aware of Hak (how she ignored such a man for so long?). Its a pitty Hak hasn’t realized yet that she’s getting affected by him. I really anxious for next chapter and to see how this party will be!
Deanas804 chapter 8 . 6/30
Chapter 8 was so good! I cannot wait to read what happens next! You are an amazing writer! Please keep up the story!
Puff the Evil Dragon chapter 8 . 7/1
This is amazing, as always. Eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
Nina542 chapter 8 . 6/28
It was so nice to get inside Yona's head this chapter. I love how she is continuing to struggle with confusing feelings towards Hak. And the whole scene at the dinner table was great. Calling him Il the Coward, his toast, the misty eyes. I loved it all. And just barely the smallest clue that it's affecting him in some way, and he's only playing the dumb card. Loved Yoon too and how at ease you made them with each other.

I'm already nervous about how this party is going to go down. Looking forward to it!
lucel18 chapter 8 . 6/28
Love the intense UST! Lol. Thank you!
Closet lover chapter 8 . 6/28
Another wonderful chapter!
Thank you!
I'm loving Yona's angst rn and the denial she's in.
I can't wait to find out why exactly the father is being supportive of this. Like... sir?

I'm still on the edge of my seat.
I can't wait to read everything you have in store
emmsjulian chapter 7 . 5/12
i've read this on ao3 but i found it here as well and can't help but leave a comment, i LOVE this and can't wait for the next chapters! 33
nia2012 chapter 7 . 5/1
This was AMAZING! I felt every tug at Hak’s heart! Now I feel heartbroken too. And the hickey thing destroyed me. You are unbelievable writer. I am loving your work. Never give up
akwardllama chapter 7 . 4/27
Ugh, this is always so good and poor ham and poor yona
Guest chapter 7 . 4/22
Absolutely love this! Please please please keep adding to the story!
Closet lover chapter 7 . 4/23
I can't even verbalize how into this is I am. This is SO good. My heart is beating erratically and I'm all over the place. I feel like Hak. This is SO GOOD. It's beautifully written and so bloody interesting. I can't wait for the next chapter!
gumiho child chapter 7 . 4/20
I love your writing style and how you give such details! I would love more romance and details in the future! Your fanfiction opens up a whole new world to the human mind and gives me some joy in this troublesome world we live in now.
lucel18 chapter 7 . 4/21
Lolololololololol! Poor Hak! Thank you!
Puff the Evil Dragon chapter 7 . 4/19
So happy to see an update! My heart is hurting in all the best ways. Keep up the fantastic work!
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