Reviews for Her Dark Lord
snuffles101 chapter 1 . 8/9
Hi there. This is clearly something different from the usual stories. I like the Lucius/Hermione pairing. And I got the feeling that you had Jason Isaacs in mind when you wrote this. Nice. But that said, I know you warned us about the potter/weasley bashing but I feel it is little over the top. Why? I don't think Harry would ever treat someone who is his best friend and a lady in such a chauvinistic and sexist manner. Hell the poor guy had grew up under the Dursleys. He had Voldemort breathing down his neck for years. So he had to grew up bloody fast. He hadn't have time for such bs. Hermione went through hell and back in that war so I don't see Harry treating Hermione like that.
Grahamgirl93 chapter 4 . 4/23
Wonderful & it never hurts to thrown in some LOTR’s into the mix!
Slytherinsister21 chapter 1 . 4/12
did you write this with someone else?
LadyThestral chapter 4 . 4/2
Really enjoyed this story. Could there be a sequel? Nothing major, just another day in the life of, maybe a follow up to what happened after Harry and Ron confronted their wives.
skyeryder01 chapter 4 . 9/15/2019
LOVED this!
shaila22star chapter 4 . 6/15/2019
yes... like the other fic it is also a great one... keep going... lots of luv...
SereniteRose chapter 4 . 6/15/2019
what a lovely story I love it, thanks ever so much, I love Hermione hate Molly,Ron,Ginny Lavender so much, anyway thanks ever so much.
weasel87 chapter 4 . 5/26/2019
By the way I didn’t read the authors note on the bashingbut I didn’t mind that anyway. It was just how they spoke about it I just couldn’t see Harry especially talking that way. Thanks for sharing though.
weasel87 chapter 4 . 5/26/2019
I was a bit dubious when I started reading and I’ll be honest I put it down twice because of how it starts. I couldn’t see the boys talking like they did! But absolutely wonderful story. Wish we could see them get married etc..
Helynn90 chapter 4 . 5/20/2019
This was a very interesting story. The first Hermione/Lucius I’ve ever read. I didn’t care for Harry and Ron. Which is the point I know. I’m just not huge on them being assholes in stories because it feels out of character but for this story I understood the point. Overall I enjoyed the story and I think I’ll have to read some more of this pairing.
jlove34 chapter 4 . 5/9/2019
Bwahahahaha! Loved this so much! This little fic cracked me up. The looser duo really turned out so good after Hogwarts. I almost can’t imagine Harry dumping Sirius, though. Thanks for sharing.
girken chapter 1 . 5/6/2019
This is why people make fun of fanfiction.
elliequigley chapter 1 . 5/6/2019
I LOVED this! Now off to find more lucius/Hermione fics. Great writing, I will be looking out for more from you
Amyeco chapter 4 . 5/6/2019
That was amazing and far too short! I need more! I hope you continue to write more fics.
LadiePhoenix007 chapter 4 . 5/5/2019
Awesome story! I thoroughly enjoyed all the ships!
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