Reviews for Spill the Beans
Thundercatroar chapter 1 . 12/8/2019
I'd hate to see what Jenny had stored in the crack of her ass, perhaps an emergency pack of Beeman's pepsin gum?

I miss that stuff, you know, in '91 when the movie came out you could get Beeman's and Black Jack gum pretty much anywhere because of the movie tie in. I have a ton of crap from that movie.

Anyway, excellent job! This was really good, and a surprise, pretty much followed the original gist of the scene between Sinclair and Jenny until the hilarious stuff fell in.

The only thing missing was Melora Hardin singing "Begin the Beguine" and Eddie Valentine asking Cliff for a light off his rocket pack.
Loafer chapter 1 . 5/19/2019
That was my kinda wacky! Wonder how she'd get through airport security today...
Dan Sickles chapter 1 . 5/7/2019
I'm so glad someone did a story about this amazing classic film. Pretty funny too!
pronker chapter 1 . 5/1/2019
It was a time of charm bracelets and some of the charms with movable parts, like the little carousels, are quite valuable in 2019. I liked how brave she was to acquire tattoos, even if she did go overboard, funny idea about the itinerary and such! Nice twist that Villain didn't need to work hard to get intel. :)

The movie struck a chord as I'd read the comic and admired the art, including Jenny as a ringer for Bettie Page and the Rondo Hatton wannabe. Jenny and Neville's "date" played a pivotal role in the plot, and Campbell was all kinds of cute as he observed. Good atmosphere and verisimilitude enough with hairstyles, cars, etc., puts this movie right up there in my List Of Movies To Take Along While Staying In A Motel 6.
Turrislucidus chapter 1 . 5/1/2019
Later, Jenny became an advertising executive and pioneered the concept of emblazoning brand names any-and-every-where, on any-and-every-thing.

That just popped into my head as I was reading this; that, and, 'Chewing gum is really gross; Chewing gum I hate the most', but there's no mystery where THAT came from. Turning the pry-it-out-of-them trope on its head, as you have here, has made for a fun read.
VoyagerG chapter 1 . 5/1/2019
This is hysterical! I love the buildup with her charms and tattoos. I really enjoyed the Rocketeer. It was a shame there wasn't a sequel. My dad loved it, he'd taken a Welder's Helmet and a big silver fire extinguisher and created his own costume.