Reviews for Child of Atmos
ADT116 chapter 1 . 11/3/2019
Intriguing. As of now, it's a bit vague, so it'd be nice to see where this is going. Would definitely like it to be continued. There are mistakes in the following's silver rays..."
"It's" should be "its" to show possessionit's" means "it tried to say his name but the vowels..."
There should be a comma before thethat we're just beginning to fade."
The "we're" should be "were," no apostrophe.
These are just minor errors, nothing too serious that a bit of proofreading can't fix.
Sorry I can't provide better feedback, there's just nothing I can see that's too egregious; which is a good thing, really. It means you've done well. There's some nice imagery in this piece that flows very naturally and doesn't come off as purple prose-y; there's just enough that it paints a vivid picture and doesn't overstay its welcome. That can be challenging to pull off, and I tend to struggle with being overly-descriptive, so I tip my hat to you.
WolfassassinKing chapter 1 . 8/7/2019
Please keep going.
Mr.Green37 chapter 1 . 5/1/2019
More please.