Reviews for The Loser
starsmina chapter 20 . 7/20
I love this story and I’m definitely going to read the next part of this I am so invested. Thank you for writing
cullensrule chapter 20 . 3/28
That was quiet the ending. I hope Bella's good deeds count in her favor. It will sound mean but I hope her mother doesn't fair to sell with The Resistance but I hope her dad and the Cullens survive okay.
cullensrule chapter 19 . 3/28
What Carlisle did was so unexpected and shocking. I Loved it. I couldn't believe what Edward was saying with James. Bella took a big risk for her stand. Bravo girl.
danqat chapter 6 . 3/25
This is giving me a lot of feels at the moment.
TwiTwiAgain chapter 18 . 1/5
TwiTwiAgain chapter 8 . 1/4
Crying already just imagining it.
TwiTwiAgain chapter 7 . 1/4
I knew it!
TwiTwiAgain chapter 5 . 1/4
Ugh, Jessica gets abused :( No wonder she wears long sleeved sweaters; needs to hide her bruises?
TwiTwiAgain chapter 4 . 1/4
Uh oh, hymen talk in this chapter. Earlier there was mention of a bike accident? Is there a hymen test in the future? Cringe for the society.
TwiTwiAgain chapter 3 . 1/4
I love hating Jessica!
TwiTwiAgain chapter 1 . 1/4
This is not what I expected. Gotta love a future dystopian society!
InaV chapter 20 . 12/2/2019
The story is nice, and your writing has a flow to it. Sentences are well structured and there's not much I would change.
But find it utterly unbelievable that a girl, born and raised in such society, will not have ingrained the rights and obligations of each level of the caste system. She's in constant denial of the reality of life, and to hope and/or whine is her natural attitude to everything.
And it's hard to sympathize with Bella - so many of her problems she created herself, she literally can't keep her word on even one promise, and in the end she ended up at the top without having done anything of substance.
I hope you don't take this as a negative critique, it is not intended as such.
marigold123 chapter 20 . 11/16/2019
Wow! Bella has certainly been put through the ringer with her horrible mother and sister...well the whole society she lives in. Edward for all that he has really has a bigger inferiority complex than Bella’s. Neither seem to have an easy time of it. Thank you for writing.
Patty T chapter 20 . 10/22/2019
Excelente historia! Voy por la 2 parte, gracias x compartir tu talento!
Anasamantha09 chapter 20 . 9/17/2019
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