Reviews for n stands for neutral
Guest chapter 1 . 8/9
Why is Zane dejected?
ItsYoGreenGirl chapter 1 . 8/4
KaiI should’ve left you on that street corner where you were standing.

Lloydbut you 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙣’𝙩.

Lloyd your great at the motivational team speeches *looks at that one speech Kai gave after the great devourer ate the bounty* but Kai on the hand...

Lloyds not allowed to drink ever. He’s just not. It’s unacceptable and totally illegal. In fact I’ll be helping Kai find a way to the departed realm to shove motors head in a blender.

“The driving devilLloyd is such a mood.

“I can’t believe I helped raise you.” Kai is also such a mood.

Funny how Lloyd is freaking out over the car, but had no problem fighting a demon dragon at the top of a sky scraper with a busted ankle. Well, he did have a problem with it, he didn’t want to fight his dad, even though he was taken over by the overlord, but you know. Priorities and stuff.

I would love to run morro over with a car. Just tell me where and when and I’ll be there. Oh gosh, Kai’s starting to rethink life.

Oh, poor Kai. He’s just a tired big bro tying to teach Lloyd how to drive. But sadly Lloyd is just the person to hit the line car in parking lot.

And of course Nya and Cole were betting on this. She has zero faith in either Lloyds ability to drive or Kai abilities teach. At least Cole has some faith in them lol.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/19
Kai may love his cars, but he doesn't seem to be the best one to take care of them! Then again, just as many accidents occur when he's the backseat driver (or passenger seat driver, as the case may be). Lloyd's evil grin when he found the motivation he needed and Kai's reaction to it... that was priceless!
RememberTSA chapter 1 . 11/20/2019
I don’t know what to review anymore but I have a reputation to uphold you’re awesome ahhh
Kifo Entiegon chapter 1 . 6/25/2019
Loved the parts about Morro both being in trouble with Kai and with being the road for Lloyd. this should be marked as a humor fic.
Sirgrahamcracker chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
"Greasy emo jerk" I am crying,,,,,,. This is amazing. I'm so glad Lloyd is learning how to drive. kinda. Anyway, I love this.
dragonpearlninja chapter 1 . 5/22/2019
Ahahaha YESSS! You write the disaster children so well, ohmigoodness (because that's what they are, absolute disasters, there's no denying it. But we love them so so much). I always love your little one-shots so stinking much, I can't even tell you. Thank you! :D
Dr. Fluffmuffin chapter 1 . 5/16/2019
I'm ticked I didn't see this sooner; this is gold! The banter at the beginning actually had me chuckling! You write Kai and Lloyd so well.

"has he created a monster when he wasn't even looking-" -Pffft!

Kai's disdain for Morro is hysterical. Between the ranting and the jabs at his appearance, I was cackling. You write humor as well as you do tragedy. You're truly Shakespearean (I don't know how you care for the guy, but regardless, you're good! Also, it just occurred to me how weird his name is spelled).

Anyways, this fic is fantastic. I loved how Kai owned his title of the devil and Lloyd's horror at oatmeal raisin cookies (I sympathize).

I love these boys; they're such idiots. You capture them so well, especially when they're crashing the car! XD No one thinks to turn the wheel... I love it.

And the ending scene: good gracious. That was perfect. This is certainly a new favorite. Fantastic job as always!
WaterSoter chapter 1 . 5/3/2019
Sorry, just logged me out! That last review was from me. I'm so in love with this story. It sure brought back memories from my first driving experience. I love the sibling relationships in Ninjago. Of course that last season . . . ugh!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/3/2019
I died! I really did! I still remember my own first driving experience, and lol! Heh! This was just beyond wonderful!
MasterOfSwag213 chapter 1 . 4/30/2019
Awwwwww I love Lai and Lloyd hiding time! And I want to describe everything I LOVED about this, but I can’tBut nonetheless, amazing AS ALWAYS!
Katla1 chapter 1 . 4/29/2019
Ooooh! This gon b gud! :D

"You were supposed to be my brother!" XD
"I should have let you burn in the fire temple." lol!
Wow! Lloyd would trade the green gi for a single cookie!
OMG! LOL! XD Kai finding out that Lloyd drank alcohol! XD
Their banter is beautiful.
"Get ready for the ultimate driving master, heh." That 'heh' is glorious! I can HEaR it!
AH! That final scene is GLORIOUS!

This story is so much fun! XD
CHEESEPUFF fg chapter 1 . 4/29/2019
I loved the Star Wars reference
can't wait for the raising hell update
Guest chapter 1 . 4/28/2019
FIRST I just want to thank you for warning us about the (potential) Raising Hell update tomorrow. Given how I reacted to this being posted, the shock and excitement of seeing that may well have killed me.

Excellent story, as usual!
JBomb12 chapter 1 . 4/28/2019
Haha, that was great...

Keep up the good work!
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