Reviews for Caterpillar Courtesy
Devin Trinidad chapter 1 . 5/7/2019
Such a sweet story! Hehehe, once again, great characterization and fluidity with both your writing style and how the characters interact. Once again, you brought me inside the lore of the story and I found myself feeling for dear Arthur, but at the same time I found that the spectacle was so hilarious.

You really brought out his bratty precocious side, something that seems to not have disappeared by the time he was an adult (but he’s in a much better position later on, thank god).

I think the best part of the story is Aethur’s Language. He’s so articulate, but needlessly so. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but he was also a bit wordy in the first few chapters of Hetafata, but later on, he became more natural, right?

And the curse of frivolity and cowardice? Hehehe, that’s gotta be a reference to Italy! I love your sly references, they’re a treat to read.

Anyway, wonderful work and I hope you have a great day!
Startled Boris chapter 1 . 4/24/2019
Great story. Love the playing on the Arthurian myths and hints of Shakespeare. The rainbow sparks and how every time Arthur tries to resolve his eyebrow problem things become worse really made me laugh. The tail though was the best thing. Great writing!
CoveTPeng chapter 1 . 4/23/2019
This is wonderful. This made my day (which had honestly been a terrible day), and I thank you for that. If I were you, I’d be immensely proud that I’d come up with something so enriched in content and creativity, too. I’m definitely going to read your other stories...

Thanks again, I had a good laugh at this. Great job!