Reviews for painter
Natters chapter 1 . 1/5
Good fic
Patougv chapter 1 . 6/13/2019
Great OS
Devil'sMiracle17 chapter 1 . 4/19/2019
...and I loved reading it! This was such a good idea! I love Lauren German's paintings, and I feel like you chose Chloe's style of art to mirror Lauren's (oil painting, portraits, etc.), so I could very easily picture her paintings in my mind. I didn't know I wanted something like this until I read it.

Can we take a moment to talk about how sweet and loving Lucifer was in this piece?! I love how you set intimate Deckerstar scenes, just like you did at the start and end of this story. You always bring such a gentle lovingness (and playful teasing) to sexually charged intimate moments, which amps up both the sizzle and fluffy factors, in your stories. I don't comment enough on it, but I love it.

Anyway, Lucifer was a sweetheart in this one, and he showed it to Chloe through all these beautiful gestures: from softly understanding Chloe's passion without questions (in bed like domestic little cuties), to providing her with the equipment without fuss or fumble (which is so him, and I'm going to mention prom again!), then professionally (I giggled at that comment; it's something Chloe would 100% be thinking) and reverently offering to be her subject. I adored how you penned Lucifer; you brought to the forefront his "Chloe" side (this is what I'm going to start calling his vulnerable and softer side that we only get to see when the detective is around) in such a raw and reverent way that shows how he respects and is in awe of her. It's no easy to achieve, but you do it effortlessly. I also adored how you portrayed Chloe in response to him, which was both fitting and heart achingly beautiful. The painting on his skin with hers was a flawless metaphor that I loved, which closed off this masterpiece stunningly.

I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry, but damn if you're not talented as all hell. I finally get what you mean when you say I help you understand your writing and see different perspectives, so there is some good coming from my streams of consciousness, hahaha. I definitely could see that music was meant to be a character of it's own, and I fully agree that Lucifer expresses himself best through music (when he sang Chloe 'Eternal Flame' I almost spontaneously combusted at all the implied meanings, along with the explicit ones in that scene and song choice), etc., so I found Raising Hell to be a giant, wonderfully musical metaphor that demands praise!

No, I didn't know you had (two?!) Lucifer and Trixie stories?! I appreciate the not so subtle nudge, and I will definitely be reading them and leaving behind my thoughts, so consider your shameless self-promotion to be a success! Yes, I love this series of yours because we get to see Lucifer in a (much needed and necessary) happier place, while also staying true to the characters and their relationships. I do find so much pleasure in each installment, and I almost wish that they were longer because the ideas are all so good (but these bite sized stories are ever so lovely)! I'll do my best to continue offering introspective reviews; I may not be the most creative, but I'm good at analysis! I feel like I sound like a broken record too, but I sincerely thank you for penning your incredible pieces, and for your continued gratitude and ever so kind words.
MirrorFlower and DarkWind chapter 1 . 4/19/2019
Awwww just awww that was just great I loved it
Agusai chapter 1 . 4/19/2019
Everyone writes about him painting so I love this one! It's original and sweet and also favorite part of my day. I'm sucker for Deckerstar