Reviews for This Is Chicago
JediA chapter 27 . 6/1
i loved this so much! amazing!
SONINI chapter 27 . 5/26
Honestly I loved them all but my favorite was Expense
isabelle chapter 27 . 5/4
asian-ninja chapter 27 . 4/21
I'm a little sad that this is over, but it was such a joy to read! Not sure if I have a favorite chapter, but I loved the snarky and sarcastic banter especially when it came from Hailey. You did such a great job incorporating Rixton, Tay, Will, and Mouse as well as your OC Hayden. I tend to be skeptical of OCs, but your portrayal of Hayden just fit so well in this. Really loved the bit where Jay would be thinking how much it "drove him up the wall" when Hailey or Hayden would say "huh." I will definitely be rereading this again as a whole, though I've probably reread most of the chapters a few times now. It would be amazing if you wrote a part 2, and if not, thank you anyways for writing this!
colorbars11 chapter 27 . 4/20
Super late to leave a review, but I really enjoyed this 26-part series. Not sure if I can name a favorite, loved the journey and the world you brought to life with past, present, and original characters. I mean back at G for Gavel, Hailey was resting her head on Voight and now her and Jay are being all domestic! Also wanted to give you props for not taking the easy way out with the prompts, I thought P for Poinsettia was particularly clever. And maybe if you want a prompt challenge without committing to another twenty-six, maybe do like colors of the rainbow, days of the week, common street sign (Stop, do no enter, yield, one way, railroad crossing, school zone), or something like that.
Elvira25 chapter 27 . 4/19
Loving this. Loving them all. Looking forward to more. Thank you.
Guest chapter 27 . 4/17
Love the series. I would love to see a part 2
Ann chapter 27 . 4/17
Great chapter. Great job. Looking forward for more stories of you.
TARA chapter 27 . 4/17
Loving this. Loved all your prompts. Looking forward to your next story. Thanks.
nonna99 chapter 27 . 4/17
Aww, the end. I'm going to miss them all. Not only the team, but all the others too that I've met through you. Thanks so much for sharing and looking forward to what ever you may come up with.
nonna99 chapter 26 . 4/16
Aww, Mouse. Finally they met and of course he's right Jay and Hailey are perfect for each other. Great as always.
Lauren chapter 27 . 4/16
Loving this. Sad it's the last please a part 2. My favourite, I honestly can't tell, but I loved Hayden, loved the interactions between him, Hailey and of course Jay. Anyway looking forward to part 2 and thanks so much for sharing.
JONI chapter 27 . 4/16
Loved this. Sad it's coming to an end, but so happy when you'll do a Part: 2. If so I really hope I will see some old acquaintances back. Anyway thanks for sharing.
Maca chapter 27 . 4/16
I hope the second part of "This is Chicago"
LostCause789 chapter 27 . 4/16
A great finish to these prompts! I’d have to say my favorite is Lingerie maybe. But I loved them all.
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