Reviews for By the Old Gods
Boramir chapter 4 . 1/5
Tyrion can fulfil Jamie's promise to Bronn; he is Lord of the West and the North, and after all the various wars you can't tell me that there aren't at least a few castles in either of those realms who's lords have been wiped out leaving no heirs or castles which been declared forfeit because the previous lord refused to swear loyalty or betrayed the crown or their immediate overlord.

The DreadFort is one example (the Boltons are gone).

Certainly Tyrion will have to get royal approval to grant a castle to Bronn but seriously I don't see that being a problem.
Cmiller01 chapter 1 . 5/11/2019
I have so enjoyed this piece. Thanks!
Mari Wollsch chapter 5 . 4/30/2019
kudos xxx
Boramir chapter 5 . 4/29/2019
Very nice finish. Good Story.
VickSaturn chapter 5 . 4/29/2019
I not sure if you saw the last episode but I imagine you did and all I can say is that every time I remember this episode my blood pressure goes downhill exactly as this chapter did.
Oh my gosh, I just couldn’t have asked for a better ending, if this was a little bit more perfect it would have killed me. Such a great ending for this new beginning for Tyrion and Sansa, I hope she fills the ward with many Wolves. Thank you so very much for this wonderful story, your writing brings me joy and make my days less boring(specially at work when there’s nothing to do, loool)
Can’t wait to read more from you.
Thank you, my friend.
VickSaturn chapter 4 . 4/27/2019
Dear Tyrion,
I want my castle.
Signed: Bronn.

That is just perfect loool.
This men is in a never ending quest to get his Castle and a bride. Bronn is determined and I respect that about him, he’s not here to play loool.
Poor Gendry, but Arya showed a diff ent sort of thought about him on the show, you know what I mean, right? *winks*.
And Tyrion and Sansa rushing out of the room just to have sex like Wildlings.
I can’t wait to read thiiiiis.
I’ll be waiting desperately, anxiously for the next!
Thank you so very much for this one!
VickSaturn chapter 3 . 4/27/2019
She’s as nervous as Tyrion looool.
I would be too because it’s Tyrion. He’s sooo adorable.
So sweet what Pod and Brienne did for they’re wedding is just brilliant!
The fact that Sansa is able to see past her fears and traumas shows how much she’s grown, her development as a character under your writing is a never ending surprise. Is simply wonderful.
Can’t wait for the wedding night!
Thanks for this beautiful chapter.
VickSaturn chapter 2 . 4/27/2019
Tyrion is so nervous is looks like is his first wedding looool
You must forgive me, I’ve been so busy with work that I was just able to read now, but now I’m back! loool
Anyway, I really lover this moment between Bronn and Tyrion, I really dare to say that Bronn is Tyrion’s best friend and this dialogue is just brilliant it fills me with the sense of brotherhood.
The moment between Jon and Tyrion in even better because it shows how much Jon trusts Tyrion and is not something that Tyrion was bathed on before. For a long time he was second guessed even though he was one of the most honest guy in Westeros.
I loved it! Thank you for this!
Boramir chapter 4 . 4/26/2019
Glad to see this continue. I enjoy Bronn.
Jody Barsch chapter 3 . 4/25/2019
Very fun and well written, thanks for posting!
Starclipper01 chapter 3 . 4/22/2019
Great chapter. Enjoyed their second wedding better than the first.


Cmiller01 chapter 2 . 4/18/2019
Loving this. Keep it coming!
Dani Ardila chapter 2 . 4/15/2019
Great, i will wait the next chapter!
VickSaturn chapter 1 . 4/10/2019
I’m extremely happy about this and I I’m freaking out over this very begging lool no surprise there because I just love your story’s.
Sansa is so happy that makes me oh so very happy too, I can only imagine that Tyrion might have a smile that not even a slap in his face will fade it(I do believe this, yes) and Arya, oh dear Arya, let Jon be happy dear and go after your Gendry boy loool.
Thank you very much, this is a amazing gift for me, your dedication.
I hope you know how much I already love this one too. I’ll hold it to my heart forever, you are the best I know, my friend.

Till the next one.
Lilygirl95 chapter 1 . 4/10/2019
Omg! I read Into the Night as my first story from you! It became one of my favorites and I’m super excited to read this new story from you! Amazing job and keep up the good work :)