Reviews for Dysthymia
Aliballi chapter 57 . 4/5
Wow just Wow! Your writing is just superb! Flawless, exciting and keeps me on the edge of my seat every chapter! It's not often a writer can capture a reader like that, just brilliant! Thank you!
guepard54 chapter 58 . 4/3
Hi, it's guepard54

First, wow, this part is now complete ! I was a little late in my fanfiction reading this last couple of months.
I am so happy there is a third part. Total 80 chapters at this moment ; Your fic is really a monster now, isn’t it ? And I wanted to say you, I find it as extraordinary as ‘The devil and the deep blue See’. Your writing, though excellent already at the beginning, became even better each chapter passing.

Scorpia always end to have what they want. The psychologic part where Dr Steiner muddling with Yassen’s mind was well-thinked : Scopia tried in vain already to take by force, itw as logical that they uses Alex as a weakness point against him. But even if Scorpia is a formidable adversary, they are a fantastic duo : they understand each other easily now, the manner Yassen pick up on Alex’pun and allow them to getting out of their ennemies’clutches is really enjoyable. And at last, Alex’murderous ghost twin was of use to him.

And I don’t know what you set aside for them both but really hope that after all these adventures, they will enjoy the rest of their life. Calmly, that remains to be seen. In my own dreaming little mind, they both end to work for the FBI (not as traveling as CIA agents and more than plains policemen). Because, frankly, I can’t see them finally working at a desk, can you ?

In your fic, Yassen have to show a lot of emotions and it peaks when Alex is shot. He says even (if i understand well) that Alex’life matters more to him than his own. Very touching for a man who used to kill for money for almost half of his life. I wonder what his old employers would say hearing that. And I have to thank you for realising my dreams : a scene in Yassen ‘POV where Alex is shot and the Russian worries for him. It’s maybe cruel to our little spy but it’s better still when he is comforted. I have to admit that I feared that you really kill our Yassen, but with a third party in the starting blocks someone would be missing, lol ! But I forbade you to kill Yassen even in this third part, I prefer, if you have to kill one, you picking Alex.

And I agree with our favorite assassine, what is the **** about Estrov ? Seriousely, after all these years ? I hope they won’t annoy him too much with him. I understand they can’t decently let go a ex-contract killer freely, but like Alex, he deserves to be let alone and forgotten. My words might seem paradoxical, but it ‘s without doubt because I’m very fond of his character in general and particularly in your fic. Even if he is a 'walking biohazard'. His transfusion which gives anthrax to Alex ? Frankly, I didn't see that coming.

At any rate, I can’t thank you enough for this terrify work and can’t wait for next Monday !
Lots of Love,
Guest chapter 58 . 4/1
I really like this story. Keep updating. Stay safe from Corona everyone.
Ada-Diana chapter 58 . 3/30
Omg that was soooo good
I feel like I'm always giving you the same feedback, but it keeps getting better and better
I can't wait for the sequel! I hope you'll spoil us with lots of chapters :)
litanyofgendlin chapter 58 . 3/30
0Ailsa0 chapter 58 . 3/30
I have loved this story so much! I've never been able to predict where you were talking it next, even though I now see you left loads of hints. Glad there's a sequel straight away!
Aliballi chapter 58 . 3/30
I have never been more happy to hear of a sequel in my life, thank you thank you thank you
Ada-Diana chapter 57 . 3/29
Thanks for the surprise chapter! It was amazing, as usual. I can't wait to understand what's going on. See you soon
litanyofgendlin chapter 57 . 3/29
An early chapter? What a gift! Happy birthday! And god ANTHRAX? I’m a little confused bc I thought the big deal was he had the antibody for it, not that he had anthrax with no symptoms for decades and has never spread it before? But at least Alex is alive and making it through!
Aliballi chapter 56 . 3/25
This justvkeeps getting better and better, thank you for being such a brilliant story teller!
otterpineapple06 chapter 56 . 3/23
Am actually shooketh
Ada-Diana chapter 56 . 3/23
Hey, I'm reading your fanfiction every week and I'm thinking about the new chapter all week long. God this chapter actually made me cry. I desperately want a happy ending for them but I can't see how it could end well. Yassen's thoughts were so moving...
Please please please don't break my heart haha
See you next Monday
Guest chapter 56 . 3/23
The last two sentences. I - I don’t know what’s to say I don’t know what I’m feeling. It’s like the end of this chapter was a punch to the gut..but like in a good way...?
Shae chapter 55 . 3/22
Hi I’ve been following this series closely since the start and I haven’t left a review before because I always felt like no words could justly compliment you and your phenomenal writing (also I’m lazy, notoriously forgetful, and I fear that actually getting an account on here will only fuel my addiction to fanfiction). I absolutely adore the characters and relationships you’ve built. You’ve crafted so much more life into Alex and Yassen than Horowitz ever did. I’m writing this review now because these last few chapters have made me realize how much your writing has improved from the start of the series until now. Your descriptions are much more vivid, and now I feel like I can sense what the characters are experiencing and ride their emotions with them (and it’s one heck of a roller coaster but thrilling and enjoyable all the same). I keep coming back to your stories (and will probably keep coming back to re-read them over and over long after their completed) because of the way you masterfully weave deep complex characters and moments with fast paced adventure and action.

In a nut shell you are a brilliant writer and miracle-worker who, for me, single handedly transformed Monday’s from the most hated day of the week to a day I look forward to every week.

Thank you so much for sharing your creativity, talent, and hard work. I’m sorry that this review is long overdue. I hope you are staying healthy and sane during these crazy times!
Ada chapter 55 . 3/20
Omggg again
I'm eagerly waiting for Monday!
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