Reviews for Time and Tide
Jacksonion Democracy chapter 5 . 5/27
Damn, hella sad his mom died. Mama Bear indeed. Tbh, I hope she left something for him to remember her better - like a locket or bracelet. TY 4 the chapter.
Jacksonion Democracy chapter 4 . 5/27
Still have hope inside that MC's mother is still alive, tho its hella unlikely. From the way he said his emotions were x10, yeah puberty he is going to be mega angst. Hopefully he likes girls, not a fan of yaoi. TY 4 the chapter!
Jacksonion Democracy chapter 2 . 5/27
Ah, never been a fan of gender-bending but it kinda makes sense considering he is a frequent reincarnator. Hope it hasn't messed with his mind too much.
ThousandDaysOfLaziness chapter 9 . 5/26
Amazing story. I hate to imagine what would happen to Shima when/if Kushina dies.
PrimeOdin chapter 9 . 5/25
I would have preferred to see Shima meeting Kushina instead of reading about it in an interlude second hand.
Zomvee chapter 2 . 5/25
Do you know what the characters look like, the Japanese ones? I could help on that since I know some Japanese characters by heart.
Because the character for mountain looks like a pitchfork without a shaft and only three, forks?.

While the character for forest is a little bit more complex, a single line going up and then two sets of lines going away from the center that looks like an Asian style roof. And there's three of them.
That last I don't fully remember.
totoro27110 chapter 9 . 5/24
I am ready and my heart is prepared. I reread the story to refresh my memory. At your call, commander.
Gravit18 chapter 1 . 11/30/2019
Very good story.

I like the idea of this not being the mc's first reincarnation. It is a little hard to emphasize with Shima though I guess if you repeatedly lose your loved ones you would either go insane or numb your feelings out of necessity. I just hope he can find a family in Naruto, and will there be pairings? I look forward to the next chapter. XD
Erxen chapter 8 . 10/18/2019
Just read the 8 first chapters. Tis a great self-insert. A few words missing here and there, but not often enough to be noticeable, or to prevent the understanding of sentences.
Anyway, can't wait for more. Keep up the good work. :)
Williamhb123 chapter 8 . 10/6/2019
Love this plz continue
Redumdelta chapter 8 . 10/5/2019
gimme most plox
Cats are my World chapter 7 . 10/5/2019
I love this. I really like how you give the Hidden Nations its own flare. I must admit, however, that when I read 'Minato Namikaze-Uzumaki' my first thought was 'Uzumaki older and more prestigious, therefore Minato takes Uzumaki name'. (I think I might have been thinking about Game of Thrones just before?) But, to clarify, is it a 'marrying couple chooses which name to take on a more or less equal basis for gender'? (If that sentence makes sense?)
Cyber-Porygon chapter 8 . 9/24/2019
i love this story please continue
Lifelessman chapter 8 . 9/21/2019
Good Work...! 8
Lifelessman chapter 7 . 9/21/2019
Good Work...! 7
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