Reviews for A Wet Dream
Dante chapter 1 . 8/28
Hey Sloshi! I love your work, seriously, that is of smut, so hot!
Azariella328 chapter 1 . 6/8
I love it! I really love the way you described Sasuke's feelings when he thought he was rejected. I can picture him out and I can even feel it :) And I love that both of them are virgins. It honestly breaks my heart to read some stories where it reveals that Sasuke did not lose his virginity to Sakura.

I added this to my favorites!
annoyingbtch chapter 1 . 5/4
i wonder what happened to Naruto though hahaha hope he is okay hahaha
annoyingbtch chapter 1 . 5/4
Pleaaaase post the follow up pretty please I love this. Dammmn i hope you write a multi fic based on this. this is really good.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/15
More pls huhu sequel ahhhh i love it
Guest chapter 1 . 4/15
Damn hot
Kgan222 chapter 1 . 4/9
This is literally the 3rd time I’ve read this today ... suupperrrrrrr gooddddd
a frog in a well chapter 1 . 2/19
It's me again, kind of wanting to cry from how amazing in character they both are... and Naruto, though he only had a brief cameo. I never really know how to review this kind of story, but needless to say, I'm truly captivated by your writing and characterization.
Legend Saint-14 chapter 1 . 2/7
That was brilliant I don’t review much but it made me do it
ollia chapter 1 . 1/30
First off, it’s hard to properly review a one-chapter fic that long. Secondly, despite its length you had my full attention all the time (a rare occurrence for me, so kudos)

I think you nailed Sasuke POV. You managed to present all his doubts, self-quilt, double guesses and misunderstanding of Sakura so well. You described all this endless internal monologue he leads with himself without uttering a word to the outside in a really captivating and interesting way. That really stood out for me, maybe because i find this feature of Sasuke impossibly irritating and basically the source of most of his problems, and maybe because I so much dislike this feature, I have troubles writing it. I also dislike such feature irl, when I come to think about it. That made me realize that this might be why I end up not writing Sasuke - this crucial part of his personality, this “not talking about it, not confronting your feelings” is just so foreign for me that I cannot do him justice in a fic.

And Sakura, with all her good intentions, and empathy and all the benefits of doubts she gives to him, also doesn’t really understand him. So in the end she’s not much better with communication.
This fic is generally a study of miscommunication. Lol, they should go to some counseling or pair therapy even before they got to be a couple!

Smutty parts were hot! Sasuke is pretty brazen with his fantasies... And he has all those “power-trip-fantasies”. Interesting, I don’t remember that well, but I guess those were more popular in earlier years of fandom? And then this pinnacle of miscommunication when there is an almost non-con... Wow, that was equally surprising as it was interesting.

Once again, smut was super hot, and it was great to see that in the end Sakura could live up to whatever power-fantasies he had, and despite that being their first time, it turned out to be that super intense and borderline hardcore. But that was what he wanted all the way, right? And she went along it, so she happened to be a great match for him also in this aspect :)
vivs-chan chapter 1 . 12/31/2019
I love it! I really need a follow up, I need to know how naruto was dealing with all the moans and sex noises xD
Flowerdressa chapter 1 . 12/22/2019
Oh that was hot! I really want to know what happened afterwards now, did Naruto hear them? Haha thanks for writing!
AnimePickles chapter 1 . 11/4/2019
Please continue
loonmoony chapter 1 . 10/23/2019
um, yes, please write another chapter (or more)! I love Sasuke in this. and Sakura. and. Naruto. this was just perfect and you're brilliant
NameName chapter 1 . 9/24/2019
Kudos from the bottom of my heart! Please, Do a part two or another somethimg like this. I sure love your style.
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